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Basic Project Information

Title: Fairy Tale/Folk Tale Cyber Dictionary (ID:1162)

Begin & End Dates: 8/14/17 to 12/30/20 (Completed)

Number of Classrooms: open

Age Range:  5 - 8 Years

Target Audience: Anyone

Summary: The teacher reads a tale to the students. Students brainstorm words & compose a class "Cyber dictionary" using each letter of the alphabet & relating it to a story object.

Important: Story must be 'retelling'; not retyped from a book. Pictures relate to the story, not the word in isolation.

Key Words: reading, alphabet, EFL, tales, fairy tales, folk tales,

Project Details

Project Level: Basic Project

Curriculum Fit: Arts; Language; Technology; Multicultural Studies; English as Foreign Language

Technologies Used: Email; List server; Desktop Document Sharing; Postal Mail; Web-published; Text: stories; essays; letters; Graphics: photo; draw; paint

Collaboration Styles Used: Electronic Publishing

Full Project Description:

Implementation Overview

The project would be part of a fairy or folk tale unit. Depending upon how many activities you choose to do, it could take several periods. Three sessions would be required to read the book, retell the story, and brainstorm ideas for words and two computer sessions would be required to illustrate the word. (If drawing on paper, teacher would need time to scan images.)

Resources Needed

Describe what's needed to implement this lesson. Some of the possibilities:

Class set of fairy/folk tale books

E-mail account for the teacher.

Software needed: KidPix or Paint program if creating digital art. (Access to a scanner for teacher is creating on paper.)

Specific reference material in the classroom or school library: Books on various types of Fairy/folk Tales or versions of the same fairy/folk tale geared for the primary level.

Optional: Video or audio materials: - Movies about fairy/folk tales or sound tapes of fairy/folk tales.

Human Resources: At least one teacher is needed to read stories, brainstorm and record ideas and teach computer skills. Two teachers can be used if one is responsible for computer projects only. An aide is always helpful with helping children to write, draw or check to see if they are correctly following and implementing the instructions.


Curriculum Standards

STATE GOAL 1: Read with understanding and fluency.

A. Apply word analysis and vocabulary skills to comprehend selections.

1.A.1a Apply word analysis skills (e.g. phonics, word patterns) to recognize new words.

1A.1b Comprehend unfamiliar words using context clues and prior knowledge; verify meanings with resource materials.

Project URL: http://www.globaldreamers.org/ftcyber

Project Sponsor: none

Registration Information

Registration Status: Closed

Registration Dates: 8/01/16 to 12/30/19

Registration Instructions: Registration reserves your spot. Project url has a FAQ and email support always available from Janet Barnstable.

to send email to project coordinator.

Project Registration URL: http://www.globaldreamers.org/ftcyber/register.html

Project Coordinator Information

Janet Barnstable -
Give Something Back International
Sarasota, Florida, United States

Other Projects by Janet Barnstable

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view Global Virtual Classroom Web Design Contest (Sep 16 - Mar 17) Closed

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