Doors to Diplomacy Participants

India, FARIDABAD, Faridabad
Official Status: Final Project: Ready for Judging
Category: 2. Community Groups and Special Populations

We estimate 20 student(s) from 11 to 14 will work on this entry.

Description of Our Community: The local community selected for the project is community groups and special population . The project describes the population of gurukuls,schools,libraries and temples: those who have Sanskrit as the main language which has influenced all other languages across the world. Our selected category undermines how through the medium of these sectors , we are holding on to our roots from which ours and other languages have evolved. The category also showcases how Indian values are amalgamated in Sanskrit which are communicated by these organizations successfully on a regular basis.

Project Description: Sanskrit being the ancient language, all the Indian scriptures are written in it. Few believe that this language has been transferred to humans by God. Sanskrit is equally valuable in the present scenario. Therefore, our present generation should be enlightened about the language as well as its significance in various segments of life. To let the world know the glory of Sanskrit language , this topic has been selected for the project.

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