Doors to Diplomacy Participants

Kang Chiao International School Xiugang Campus(JH) (2022 CyberFair Project ID 8619)
Taiwan, New Taipei
Official Status: Final Project: Ready for Judging
Category: 1. Local Leaders

We estimate 9 student(s) from 15 to 16 will work on this entry.

Description of Our Community: A word that means beautiful land, "Formosa" is once used to describe Taiwan. The island lives up to its name as it has more than just beautiful nature landscape, it also contains a constitution and legal system governed under democracy. The history of Taiwan, its road to reach true democracy reflects the value of just and citizen rights. Taiwan legal system separates power into multiple offices to prevent unjust due to one's overpower. The procuration system balances out the power of judges to ensure justice in court, this guarantees the citizens' rights and wellbeing.

Project Description: The system of public procuration exist to balance the powers of judges, and to ensure the objectivity of the court. The prosecutors act as supervisors to maintain a just legal system. In this project our team interview the present head of Taiwan's Higher Prosecutors' Office, Mr. Xing Taizhao; Mr. Xing introduces the crew to his career and view on Taiwan's procuration system. The team would conduct research on Mr. Xing's accomplishments and further understand the importance of the procuration system through the information provided by Mr. Xing, giving us a different perspective regarding Taiwan's legal system.

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