Doors to Diplomacy Participants

Changhua County Tianjhong Junior High School (2015 CyberFair Project ID 7976)
Taiwan, Changhua County
Official Status: Project-In-Progress
Category: 6. Historical Landmarks

We estimate 10 student(s) from 12 to 13 will work on this entry.

Description of Our Community: Tianjhong is a provincial place. In the public eye, it could be nothing but a plain country town, but in our hearts, it would be the very best wonderland. Although it is not so prosperous as big cities, you can enjoy a peaceful life here. In the midnight of summer, frogs will chorus lullabies for you to fall asleep, and in the early morning, roosters will wake you up in a sonorous tone. In big cities, you can never experience this sort of happiness exclusively for rural folks. Tianjhong is sparsely populated but full of hospitality. Currently, we are trying to promote our distinguishing features, such as holding a running festival. Within the activity, runners and tourists from various places can enjoy the pastoral sight. With the breeze, all the problems and troubles are blown away. Tianjhong the country place is not as convenient as Taipei the modern city, but we have our own characteristics that cannot be replaced by any other place. By this project, we expect everyone can know more and get close to the amazing place.

Project Description: In Qing Dynasty, a scholar, Shao-nian Chen, who was born in Tianjhong and passed the imperial exam at the county level, created an ambience of study at that time. His residence, Shou Shan Hall, was designed in a special style of architecture then and has been well preserved till now. Chen’s grandson, Jing Sung Chen went abroad to study in medical college in Japan. After he finished his study, he turned back and established the Jing Sung Hospital, the first modernized hospital in his hometown Tianjhong. Dr. Chen mastered the knowledge of medicine and saved many lives of patients. For this, the residents honored him as the immortal of medicine. The hospital has currently been closed up due to the doctor’s advanced age but it is still maintained in good shape. The equipment inside is complete and the appearance outside stayed in a Japanese style, which could be a valuable historical scene.

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