Doors to Diplomacy Participants

Jin-Shan High School (2015 CyberFair Project ID 7929)
Taiwan, Taiwan, New Taipei
Official Status: Final Project: Ready for Judging
Category: 2. Community Groups and Special Populations

We estimate 25 student(s) from 16 to 18 will work on this entry.

Description of Our Community: Jinshan District is located at the north-eastern coast of Taiwan, and used to be named “Jinbali” in an indigenous language. It was originally cultivated by Pingpu aboriginal tribe. Later on, some Zhangjou and Quienjou residents who had immigrated in from Mainland China during the late Qing Dynasty (about 18th century) cultivated this area too. The area is almost surrounded by hills with its north facing the sea. During the colonial time, the Japanese government renamed Jinbali as Jinshan (Jin means gold and Shan, hills and mountains). Since the end of WWII, people living in Jinshan have been working hard to make this place a better place to live in. It has drawn the sculpture master Ju-Ming to build a museum here. Dharma Drum Mountain World Center for Buddhist Education is based here.

Project Description: Dharma Drum Mountain World Center for Buddhist Education is near our school. DDM is a world-renowned organization for promoting Buddhist education. For local people, the center means more than a Buddhist’s holy place, where people can learn and recite the Buddha’s teachings. It is also a place where culture, education and social welfare have been promoted since the establishment of the center. Through this project, we hope that we can learn deeply and thoroughly the DDM’s high cause of education and the reason why the master Sheng-Yen chose Jinshan to build Drum Mountain World Center for Buddhist Education. Finally, through the interviews with the local people, we hope to learn what influence DDM has on them.

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