Doors to Diplomacy Participants

Jhongsiao Elemantary school (2014 CyberFair Project ID 7778)
Taiwan, Kaohsiung
Official Status: Final Project: Ready for Judging
Category: 7. Environmental Awareness

We estimate 15 student(s) from 10 to 12 will work on this entry.

Description of Our Community: he egg production in Kaohsiung in centralized in Lujhu, Alian, Neihu, Renwu and YenChao. There are 116 factories and 3145882 chickens. There are 15566649 eggs produced every day. Farmers feed hens mainly by traditional way. There has been a farmer located in Alian using enriched feed to feed the hens. It is purchasable on the market. Under government’s support, the manufacturer wanting to transform to Egg-production-friendly system can get technical and financial consultant. It’s helpful to manufacturer to have great vision.

Project Description: The price of eggs is reasonable and it contains rich nutrition. However, people only concern about the cost-effectiveness, maximizing the value of benefits, and they neglect animal welfare, regarding chickens as eggs machines. Though this issue, we want people to understand and then support Egg-production-friendly system. In this way, the process of production will consistent with animal welfare, and consumers not need to worry about animal drugs. It is more healthy and safety for human. Consumers can choose “friendly” eggs, so more farmers will join Egg-production-friendly system, enhancing eggs quality and ensuring the health of consumers.

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