Doors to Diplomacy Participants

Tzu-Wen Junior Hight School (2014 CyberFair Project ID 7700)
Taiwan, Taoyuan
Official Status: Incomplete: under Development
Category: 1. Local Leaders

We estimate 10 student(s) from 13 to 15 will work on this entry.

Description of Our Community: More than 2,607,000 people live in Taipei,the capital city of Taiwan. The high population density with limited resource and employment opportunity makes all Taiwanese anxious about their future. This kind of anxiety especially appears in Taiwan education. Students try hard to get into famous schools because the diplomas can help to get better salaries. Therefore,the teaching in Taiwan is full of a lot of paper tests, especially in urban schools. And to those schools in countryside, the shortage of well-trained science teachers is the great difficulty that they usually face. Teacher Magic Light taught science in a Taipei junior high school. After retiring, he spends lots of his time promoting science implementation.

Project Description: Teacher Magic Light's life after retiring is the focus of this project. As a school teacher, Teacher Magic had no choice but to be obedient to the expectation from parents, the school, and the society. He was tired of using lots of paper exercises, quizzes, and tests to fill the class time. What's more, his ideal teaching approach which can cultivate children's vision and ability was always questioned and untrusted by those who only cared about grades. With enthusiasm, he left school teaching job in 2010, and devoted most of his time on science implementation for Taiwan science education. In his vision, those implementation seeds he planted in children' minds will grow into the great power in the future.

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