Doors to Diplomacy Participants

Xinsheng Elementary school (2012 CyberFair Project ID 7094)
Taiwan, Taipei,Taiwan
Official Status: Final Project: Ready for Judging
Category: 1. Local Leaders

We estimate 6 student(s) from 10 to 12 will work on this entry.

Description of Our Community: The kite has been a traditional childhood toy and recreational acting for most Chinese people. However, due to various changes over time, the kite has lost its luster. For a person like Buteo Huang, the kite has been a lifelong passion and fulfillment of a dream.

He has successfully created a new way of thought about kites, elevated its global interest as well as enabled people around the world to be aware of the precious kite art. He also thinks that the kite is not only a childhood toy, but a form of art and a type of educational subject.

Project Description: The 49 year-old Mr. Huang already has 39 years of kite-making and kite-flying experience. In fact, he has created about 1,000 different designs of kites, became famous in Taiwan and t obtained international awards. We fully concur with his philosophy, which is “how tradition and modernity is defined depends on one’s understanding and experiences in his everyday life. Thus, if one is able to apply artistic concepts to alter the traditional kite, the future creations are limitless.”

What is more fascinating is Mr. Huang’s ability to integrate science, artistic talent and handcraft to create a new trend. This has enabled Mr. Huang to create trendy kites that identify Taiwan as well as bring it to the international stage to allow many people to engage and learn about Taiwan.

Because of this, we would like to introduce on the internet, the beautiful kite making skills of Mr. Huang, Mr. Huang himself and other related subjects. Through this, we hope to preserve the tradition of kites, record the progress of this kite developer, and enthusiast. We also hope to inform people of the world through the internet, the value and beauty of Taiwan’s modern kite making talent.

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