Doors to Diplomacy Participants

Da Qiao elementary school (2011 CyberFair Project ID 6864)
Taiwan, Taipei
Official Status: Incomplete: under Development
Category: 3. Business and Community Organizations

We estimate 14 student(s) from 10 to 12 will work on this entry.

Description of Our Community: Kaohsiung is Taiwan's industrial city, industrial area in which there are many Daliao factories in operation day and night, needed for our busy lives. Building tour buses and the bus which works great rush here, too, because parents are familiar with the relationship, so we have the opportunity to Kaohsiung, for such a project further pilgrimage. So that "life is education, education is life " to further the implementation of the educational objectives of the project in our study.

Project Description: At the school gate, the bustling Chongqing North Road, all kinds of people to go to a place, whether the purpose is to work, school, travel, appointments, purchasing, business or other reasons, the total must have a means of tools, whether it is transit, bicycles, motorcycles, tour buses, bus, or foot-owned bus number 11, are at the school gate in the six-lane road on the Mercedes-Benz ahead. The school gate, always parked in the school many times the tour vehicles, sometimes four, five, sometimes more than a dozen department, will be about eight o'clock in the morning loaded with older women, the Old Man to the various tourist spots in Taiwan tourism. We are curious, the appearance of advanced, colorful tour bus is how to build out? This there should be a lot of learning only way to build out, and then complete the task of carrying travelers it! So by this topic, we hope to tour buses, software, hardware, be aware of, but also hopes to confirm the study of the topic of how knowledge learned in life.

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