Doors to Diplomacy Participants

Nei-hu Vocational High School (2011 CyberFair Project ID 6791)
Taiwan, Taipei City
Official Status: Final Project: Ready for Judging
Category: 7. Environmental Awareness

We estimate 10 student(s) from 16 to 17 will work on this entry.

Description of Our Community: Nei-hu has experienced huge growth with the construction of the Nei-hu Technology Park, and thousands of scientists and engineers work in this area. With heavy work load and the hustle and bustle of this cosmopolitan city, health issues arise. So the idea of “Less Meat, More Veg” has emerged. The reason why vegetarian diet is considered healthier than meat-based diet is that plant-based diet can help increase metabolism and detoxify, which is beneficial for hardworking office workers.

Project Description: According to the December 2009 issue of “World Watch magazine,” livestock -rearing generates more greenhouse gases than transportation and is believed to be one of the major causes of global warming. Also, from the study conducted by Gidon Eshel and Pamela Martin, professors at Chicago University, plant-based diets are healthier for people as well as for the planet. It is assumed that vegetarian diets can be beneficial for not only our health but for the Earth. So our team centers our project on encouraging plant-based diets for saving the Earth, hoping to make contributions to reducing global warming.

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