Doors to Diplomacy Participants

Yu Da High School of commerce and home economics (2010 CyberFair Project ID 6331)
Taiwan, Taipei
Official Status: Final Project: Ready for Judging
Category: 7. Environmental Awareness

We estimate 8 student(s) from 16 to 18 will work on this entry.

Description of Our Community: The report we present centers on Yehliu, which is the extension of the mountain chain of Ta-Tuan Mountain to the Pacific Ocean, located in Northern Taiwan. The weathering, and wave erosion contribute to its magnificent landscape, including the best-known Queen’s head, Fairy’s shoe, and candle-shaped rock. Yehliu Geology park was pre-owned by Wanli town and has been taken over by the Taipei County government since 1978. Managed by crew of North Coast Natural Scenic Area.

Project Description: Yehliu, the long-narrow cape, stretches into Pacific Ocean about 3 km long and 200meters long. The narrowest part is approximately 50 meters. The rock layer of Yehliu was mainly composed of sandstone which formed 20 millions years ago, where the renowned mushroom rock is located. Besides, the noted candle-shaped rock and ginger rock were located in different rock layer respectively. The three different rock layer, with the influences caused by wave attack, rock weathering, earth movement and crustal movement, contribute to the formation of such a rare and stunning geological landscape wonder. With affluent marine ecology, there are various aspects of fishing village and natural wonder. Yehliu cape is rich in lime and mingled with round and irregular-shaped lime which has much stronger anti-erosion ability. With different erosion, the grotesque shape rocks become.

With ample geological view, the most crisis Yehliu confronts- “The Queen is about to be decapitated!!”(the mushroom rock break down because of weathering and erosion) What is Government’s strategy to this issue and the vision to the plan of Environment Protection. We hope we can awaken everyone to see this issue and emphasize the important of Environment Protection.

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