Doors to Diplomacy Participants

Suao Junior High School (2005 CyberFair Project ID 3810)
Taiwan, I-lan
Official Status: Incomplete: under Development
Category: 7. Environmental Awareness

We estimate 9 student(s) from 13 to 14 will work on this entry.

Description of Our Community: Wu-wei-kang (river without tail), a peaceful river in the south-eastern part of Langyang plain, is surrounded by villages Da-kang-gu, Gang-ko, Gang-bien, Ling-jiao, and Yuei-ming. The river is named because the original opening to the sea was blocked and the water can't flow into the sea.

After the river's opening was blocked, the river became a wetland surrounded by seaside trees such as Horsetail trees and Cuban Bast that can save the place from sea wind. A secluded place without many visitors, the river is quiet like what Thoreau described in Walden. One of its kind in I-lan, and even more difficult to find in other part of Taiwan’s coast, this district serves as the best place for wild goose to spend their winter every year. Since Taiwan joined the International Waterfowl and Wetlands Research Bureau (IWRB) in 1988, Wu-wei-kang has been one of the most important wetlands in Asia, and the goose’s migration in the winter is recorded in the annual report every year. In September, 1993, the Executive Yuan of Taiwan finally preserved it as “Wu-wei-kang Conservation District of Wild Goose.”

Project Description: Wu-wei-kang Conservation District of Wild Goose is the third protection district of wild animals in Taiwan. However, this is not an easy fruit but the result of years’ struggle against modern technological development, during which a sense of community awareness is developed. Since this conservation district is one of our neighboring community, our research aims to retrace the history and do a field research, both to nurture us with the abundant natural resources and to further explore the important yet difficult issue of the balance between the need of human activities and the protection of the nature.

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