Online Expeditions: Cambodia - Country Culture, Community & Children

Online ExpeditionsCambodia, Country, Culture, Community, Children

Cambodia child

During the next few weeks, Jordan, Naomi and their family will be traveling to Cambodia to learn more about how Rochester Community and Technical College and area organizations might work with the Cambodian Government and People to build a school in Cambodia.  This school would be a "prep school" that would not only help Cambodian students receive an education, it might also help them  come to the United States, if they so choose, to attend an American college such as RCTC.

Features of the Expedition
The overall goal of the project is to make US students aware of the poverty and unique challenges that Cambodia has faced historically. Cambodia lost nearly 20-25% of its population during the cruel Khmer Rouge regime of Pol Pot (that would be the US equivalent of nearly 60 million people). Its educated classes were systematically exterminated, and Cambodia today still suffers and strives to recover from that loss. Also, although great efforts have been made by the UN and charitable organizations worldwide, Cambodians yet struggle with extricating the land mines left from the Vietnam War and the civil war with the Khmer Rouge.
Time Line
  • January 2-12, 2006
  • Post activities will follow
How to Participate
  • Cambodia is an emerging democracy. Questions and issues such as, "What is a democracy?", "What are some of the problems encountered by a traditional society changing to a democracy?", "How does severe poverty and economic disadvantage affect the road to democracy?" might be explored.
  • The Avian Flu and the potential for pandemic is certainly a question that US classrooms would be interested in. The Cambodian view of the Avian Flu situation, and what is being done to address it, can be presented.
  • Web logs and recorded interviews with survivors of the "Killing Fields" could be provided for US students.
  • Student investigations looking into the causes and effects of the Cambodian genocide might be designed and conducted.
  • Role-play exploring what it was like living in a dictatorship and war-torn country, and what the long-road to recovery entails might be communicated.

Read our personal invitation!

Learn more about the project

Areas Covered

World Geography
Global Issues
Civic Responsibility
Benefits of Charity
Leadership Principles
World History
Cambodia flag


Naomi, age 12
Jordan, age 14


Throughout our tour, interviews, such as with Cambodian orphans, students, teachers, or even a government official (depending upon the circumstances presented to us) will be conducted and videotaped. 

Cambodia map


The nature of the expedition precludes direct interaction during the expedition; however, students can track this activity online, submit questions via email, and get great ideas for lesson plans. Collaborative activities include:

  • writing essays
  • conducting and sharing research
  • producing captions for digital photos



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