Doors to Diplomacy Project ID: 7284

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International Schools CyberFair Project Narrative
Title: Space Travel
Category: 4. Science/Technology

School: Saint Louis Laboratory High School
    Baguio City, Benguet, Philippines

4 students, ages 14-15 worked together to complete this Doors to Diplomacy project on March 15, 2012. They have participated in Doors to Diplomacy in the following year(s): 2011

Classes and Teachers: Vincent Tabor, Florida Martin, Nicolai, Giordano, Danielle, Nikki

E-Mail contact:

Our School's Web Site:

Project Overview

1. Description of Our Team

Our first team member is Nicolai who is a math wizard and an all around guy who is responsible enough to do all of his duties. He likes computer games, drafting, and loves music. Nicolai is also a good speaker, he speaks for others, for him and for our class. He is also the part of the debate team in our school. Nicolai is also good at playing the guitar while singing. Another team member is Giordano, or most likely called Gio. He likes sports most of all including volleyball, badminton. He is fond of watching Sports Presentations. He loves playing board games on his free time. He is pretty much updated on the latest trends because of his love of interaction on facebook. The third team member is Danielle a simple but futuristic girl. An amateur landscape photographer who is conservative of her opinions. An artist who can freely draw without sources. An admirer of interior designs and subtle portraits. The last member is Nikki who loves literature. An optimistic girl who wants to have a great future ahead of her. Open minded when it comes to listening to music and narrowly minded when it comes to her opinions.

We joined this project because it is a part of our work. Our work is divided equally, and supportingly, we will help each other out to finish our desired outputs.

2. Summary of Our Project

We chose this topic, Category 4 Science and Technology. The purpose of this topic we chose is to show the specific subject of Space Travel. We will show this is an interesting way like showing places in the outer space, knowledge about Space Travel and more. Another purpose it to show a timeline that will show significant events regarding the history, developments as well as failed and succesful attemps of Space Travel. It wil also show different topics on the said subject and the varied opinions of other countries. Mainly, our last purpose is to teach our fellow students the importance of Science and being aware of the latest news today on the world of Science. This project is important to us because, it will both show what is the importance of studying Science, both to us, our fellow Louisians, and everybody in the world.

3. Our Computer and Internet Access

A. Percentage of students using the Internet at home:more than 50%

B. Number of workstations with Internet access in the classroom:more than 6

C. Connection speed used in the classroom:dedicated connection

D. Number of years our classroom has been connected to the Internet:2-3

4. Problems We Had To Overcome

We think the problems we have to overcome is time. Since we will have to use a lot of time on our research and our webpage itself. Another problem is our research, we will have to distinguish false news from true ones. We would have to be very careful in what we will write or post in our webpage since it will affect the viewer’s interpretation of what is currently happening or the events that happened in the past regarding Space Travel. Also we have to collaborate our thoughts and have the same desired output so that we will be satisfied in our output. We would have to help and support each other to be contented and not regretful of what happen when we finish the project.

5. Our Project Sound Bite

“Knowledge is Power.” By Sir Francis Bacon. We have chosen this quotation as the best summarization of our participation in this project. Knowledge is a person’s acquaintance with facts, truths, or principles from studies and/or investigations. With knowledge, a person can put a stop to the increasing number of deaths caused by a deadly disease. With knowledge, one can start wars, or better yet, put an end to it. With knowledge, a person can share and help improve the betterment of the living. We think that Knowledge can aid humankind’s impurities and wrong notations and with adequate knowledge, a person can pull a sinking nation from the abyss.

6. How did your activities and research for this Doors to Diplomacy Project support standards, required coursework and curriculum standards?

During the past, only a select few students in our school,often 4th year and a few 3rd year students are registered to compete in this competition. Now, all third year students are now joining. This became a two part project for two grading periods. The first part, documentation, became one quiz, assignment, and project. The second part, the website itself, will become are heaviest project requirement, which will be 100 points. We were given the chance to practice our new skill in web development. For third years, HTML and CSS lessons are part of our T.H.E. curriculum. Because of this project, we acquired a new skill which is web development, and as our teachers tell us, “in the near future, the knowledge you gain here can become your means of earning a living.” In addition, we had access to the Internet, making it easier for us to do our project. This became a convenience, considering that we had other subjects to think about. Furthermore, we realized that we were very lucky. Not many schools here in our city have this curriculum, and only a handful of students ever get to try web development. Also, we have a T.H.E. teacher that is very adept in web development. He is but a few teachers here in our city who aspires to have future web developers. Finally, we also found out that we are fortunate to be given the chance to speak about what we see and believe in international issues. Nowadays, the world does not see that we too have our say in these topics. The Doors to Diplomacy gives us that chance to give our opinions, and somehow initiate change.

Project Elements

1) What information tools & technologies did you used to complete your Doors to Diplomacy project?

We used tool informations, newspapers, magazines and the internet. These tools helped us gather information about topic, news updates and the latest happenings in that way we can think better. Now with these tools, we will use them wisely so that we will finish and complete our desired output. We located these tools easily since they are within our grasps. One important tool is our cellphones since it helped us to communicate with each other.

2) In what ways did you act as "ambassadors" and spokespersons for your Doors to Diplomacy project both on-line and in person.

In our project, we wanted to tell the world that space travel and discovering the universe should never be an excuse for wars, races, and even corruption. In the first place, we envisioned knowing our universe, what future we have in it, to know if other life forms exist, and ultimately answering the question, where did we come from. And this should be done united. We became ambassadors by letting the people realize that space travel is a world mission. We presented reasons on why unity among countries can help discovering the universe. We advocated stopping paranoia from spreading among people, simply because powerful countries brag about their space advancements, which in turn creates the mentality for other countries that this could be a preliminary of war. We believed that advancement in space travel is not something one organization can claim. What they achieve is but an achievement of mankind. Space travel is a world purpose. Face the fact that whatever we gain or lose in space isalso a gain or loss of the world. We advocated that whatever we do space, we should think that we are doing this for the all men and women, young and old, of every nation of the world. We want the world’s most powerful countries to unite under the mission to explore space. Let them remember that what they are doing is for another giant leap for mankind. We have a future in space. This is the reason why we should explore it as a world, not as individual nations racing to reach farther into the abyss.

3) What has been the impact of your project on your community?

The impact of our project will be hopefully affect the perspective of our fellow louisians and at the same time those who will visit our sites. We wish that as they will visit our site, they will have more open opinions about the events that had occurred in the past. More knowledge about the events that positively influence the lives of others. And valuable lessons that had regretfully happened to the others.

4) How did your project involve other members of your community as helpers and volunteers?

It has involve other members of our community as helpers and volunteers by letting their boundaries break, and have a more open eye for the occurences that happened, is happening, and will happen in the future. We think that we have given the topic Space Travel more significance to not only our lives, but also the others. We look forward to help them understand the importance of this topic and why we should have familiarity with it and we are also eager to let them help us learn interesting subjects about the topic that we have never gain knowledge of about.


View our Doors to Diplomacy Project (Project ID: 7284)

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