Doors to Diplomacy Project ID: 7260

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International Schools CyberFair Project Narrative
Title: Cash Trash
Category: 3. Trade/International Economics

School: Saint Louis Laboratory High School
    Baguio City, Benguet, Philippines

4 students, ages 14-15 worked together to complete this Doors to Diplomacy project on March 16, 2012. They have participated in Doors to Diplomacy in the following year(s): 2011

Classes and Teachers: Vincent Tabor, Florida Martin, Klee, Roselle, Trisha, Kathleen

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Project Overview

1. Description of Our Team

What make up this project are four pretty young ladies with different personalities that can really help in making this project. First is Roselle. A fifteen year old lady who is resourceful and creative. With her personality, the outcome of this project will be more attractive and good-looking. Next is Klee. Also a fifteen year lady. She is optimistic and has a critical outlook. With her attitude, the making of this project will be good and will be full of hope. Another is Trisha with the age of fifteen. With her attitude of being open-minded and hard work, we will be open to any possibilities. Last is Kathleen who is fourteen years old. She is curious and has perseverance. With her, we will be exploring lots of things where we ourselves can learn.

2. Summary of Our Project

The purpose of our project is to teach people to be resourceful with the things they can find in their surroundings. We want them to know that with these things, they can find cash. They don’t just earn money; they also lessen the trash in this world. Because of this project, people will realize that being engaged in a business does need an expensive fund. What they need should be their skills in creativity, resourcefulness, curiosity, critical outlook, hard work and patience.

3. Our Computer and Internet Access

A. Percentage of students using the Internet at home:more than 50%

B. Number of workstations with Internet access in the classroom:more than 6

C. Connection speed used in the classroom:dedicated connection

D. Number of years our classroom has been connected to the Internet:2-3

4. Problems We Had To Overcome

Now a day, more people are getting techie so the use of internet can be so much helpful in this project. More people have the access of internet at their very home. More offices are having internet their workstations. Making this project, for sure, is not that easy. Lots of obstacles will be encountered. So we should be ready to face it all. We need perseverance and hard work. It is up to us if we will take these things as an inspiration to make our project better or let this one be the reason for the failure of the outcome of the project.

5. Our Project Sound Bite

'Your wealth in filth'. That is what we emphasize in this project. That you can possibly build your own company with the help of trash.

6. How did your activities and research for this Doors to Diplomacy Project support standards, required coursework and curriculum standards?

The curriculum requires the doors to diplomacy project in our curriculum, thus we were able to apply our web design skills that were taught in our Technology and Home Economics Subject.

Project Elements

1) What information tools & technologies did you used to complete your Doors to Diplomacy project?

Some of the information and data that will be found in this project will be of course from the internet, newspapers, magazines, televisions, radios, and of course books. These tools will help us a lot in giving and sharing information to others. Each of these tools can be found at our very houses and schools. What we value most is the information found at the book for it is more reliable than the information at net. Though we cannot deny that computer is the most helpful technology somehow.

2) In what ways did you act as "ambassadors" and spokespersons for your Doors to Diplomacy project both on-line and in person.

We can say that we can be ambassadress of this project for we create this for others to learn, to be informed, and to be educated regarding business- how to start a business with little fund. Specifically about the cash in junks. This will help raise awareness that in trash we make money, we find money. That things may look bunk but this is what will help them thrive in life. We will encourage people to visit our project by telling its benefits to them- what will they learn here. If they already know that its good for them, then they will also share and tell others about it.

3) What has been the impact of your project on your community?

This project will make a great impact to our society because of its eco-friendliness. Through this, people will learn more things about their surroundings. They will learn earth-saving advices which also make their society clean. Of course the impact of this of this project will not only affect locally but also internationally. It will help build a strong relationship worldwide.

4) How did your project involve other members of your community as helpers and volunteers?

In making this project, the involvement of others will surely be needed. Co-students, teachers, parents, friends, and every member of our society can make a great contribution for the improvement of this project. Big thanks to them! Two thumbs up!


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