CyberFair Project ID: 8690

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International Schools CyberFair Project Narrative
Title: An Inquiry Journey to the Nature and Its Laws- From Satoyama Initiative to Eco-civilization
Category: 7. Environmental Awareness

School: Kang Chiao International School Qingshan Campus
    New Taipei City, , Taiwan

9 students, ages 11-12 worked together to complete this CyberFair project on March 15, 2023. They have participated in CyberFair in the following year(s): 2020, 2021, 2022

Classes and Teachers: Jie-Sz Tsai, Yung-Pei Wang, Chen-Ling Lu

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Project Overview

1. Description of Our Community

New Taipei City is a vibrant and diverse city surrounded by nature that offers a variety of habitats for various species. The city is located on the northern edge of Taiwan and is home to a wide range of flora and fauna. It features diverse ecosystems, ranging from lush forests and wetlands to rocky coasts and sand dunes. The city is also home to a variety of wildlife, including mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fish. Our school is located in the hills of New Taipei City, surrounded by mountains and water. Nestled in valleys and hills, you can always enjoy the stunning views of the mountains. As the school is situated in the mountains, it has a portion of the original forest, with dense trees, birds, and flowers. You can rejuvenate your mind and stay healthy by taking a forest bath daily in the school's field area. The school is fully integrated with the natural environment and not merely a building on a hill. It is situated approximately 250 meters above sea level, at the upper edge of the Taipei Basin, and is not confined by the monotonous environment of the basin. With mountains facing it, the mountain breeze regulates the air. Every year from April to May, the firefly season is in full swing, and the abundant natural resources bring joy and evoke sweet childhood memories. Another place we visited was Pinglin. Pinglin, in particular, is a popular place in New Taipei City for tea growing. It is also home to insects and small mammals because of clean air and fresh water. As such, it is not only an excellent place to explore and observe wildlife but also an important place to preserve and protect these species.

2. Summary of Our Project

Human beings and nature are closely related. Because of this land, our ancestors were able to cultivate, live, settle, and develop civilization. Human beings and the land are closely interrelated. When we use nature, do we understand its beauty and mystery, and do we know how to coexist with the land that nurtured us? Many beings were already living here before humans started to reclaim the land. Due to the development and settlement of human beings, the lives that once lived without concern began to face threats, and their numbers began to decrease. The Satoyama Initiative did not suddenly emerge; it is a collective understanding of our mission to protect this land. Taiwan is rich in natural resources, and because of its geographical location, it provides suitable habitats for many wild animals and plants. This project takes readers through the meaningful initiative of the Satoyama Initiative and back to Taiwan to understand what is being done to conserve the land beneath our feet. In addition to the government's advocacy, we also report on relevant community organizations and conservation markers. During this journey of inquiry, we were inspired by Prof. Chien-Chih, Chen and visited Pinglin Tea Plantation to learn more about the tea grower, You-Li, Wang's life, which gave us a deeper understanding of the Satoyama Initiative and Taiwan Ecological Network. However, at the end of the journey, we had to go back to the starting point and reflect on the gardening curriculum we have been implementing at school, as well as the plants and animals in the learning environment. We realized that every plant and animal in nature has its law of coexistence.

3. Our Computer and Internet Access

A. Percentage of students using the Internet at home:less than 20

B. Number of workstations with Internet access in the classroom:more than 6

C. Connection speed used in the classroom:dedicated connection

D. Number of years our classroom has been connected to the Internet:more than 6

E. Additional comments concerning your computer and/or Internet access (Optional):

At present, our school offers a satisfactory e-learning environment with several resources available to us. Two computer labs, equipped with modern facilities, are at our disposal, and each teacher has a personal desktop computer. Furthermore, the entire school is equipped with Wi-Fi. All sixth and fifth-grade students who participate in CyberFair are enrolled in e-learning classes that utilize Chromebooks for classroom instruction, homework, and projects. We have no trouble accessing the wireless internet on our school campus and can easily store our work on the school-wide server. We can also conduct research and share our findings with our teammates using the internet.

4. Problems We Had To Overcome

1.Research Organizing: Gathering and categorizing primary and secondary information proved to be a vital task as information on the Satoyama Initiative is readily available on the internet. Ensuring the reliability of the data was crucial. Additionally, it was necessary to have a clear understanding of the project's objectives to avoid losing focus. 2.Interviewing and Field Study: We read resources on the topic and listed some questions we were interested in. Before interviewing Professor Chen and the tea grower, Mr. Wang, we asked for help from the Office of Academic Affairs and a teacher from the Information Technology Department to take photos, record, and film for us to obtain firsthand information throughout the activity. The recording also greatly benefited us in this project. 3.Unpredictable Weather: Both dates for the interview and field observation study were scheduled in advance. It was impossible to predict the weather for the specific day of showing Professor Chen around our natural area, as well as the day for the field observation study. We were glad that we did not face extreme or severe weather conditions on either schedule and managed to be outdoors with our prepared equipment for rainy weather. 4.Solving the Problem of Transportation: To avoid affecting our learning at school, the activities related to this project usually took place during our club time. Thanks to the teachers, we successfully arranged for a school bus to go to Pinglin, where we interviewed the tea grower, You-Li Wang, and completed the field study. 5.Teamwork: CyberFair is a project-based competition that necessitates teamwork. Our teacher provided valuable assistance and guidance, enabling us to consistently enhance our project framework and allocate the work among the team members. This resulted in everyone having a better comprehension of his or her individual roles and responsibilities in the project.

5. Our Project Sound Bite

The Satoyama Initiative presents us with an opportunity to embark on a journey to learn about nature and its laws. Our generation can join in the efforts of our elders and strive to sow the seeds for a harmonious coexistence with nature. Furthermore, we aspire for the students in our school to utilize this project as a reference and use it to shape their potential research topics in the fields of science and social studies.

6. How did your activities and research for this CyberFair Project support standards, required coursework and curriculum standards?

For language, our tasks included visiting, conducting interviews, writing about specific topics, and expressing our opinions. In social studies, we were responsible for planning the research, creating the project structure, developing interview questions, and organizing the transcripts from the interviews. During the information integration phase, we integrated information and data gathered from various sources, such as interviews, online and printed research, to complete the project. For computer science, we conducted research and designed a website for the project. In independent study, we learned research skills such as brainstorming, creating mind maps, interview techniques, data and information organization, and more.

Project Elements

1) What information tools & technologies did you used to complete your CyberFair project?

To collect data from our visits and interviews, we utilized phone and email communication to invite people to participate. Additionally, we used the Internet as a secondary source to gather information and download/upload files, including personal reflections and research data. Our team used a video and voice recording app to capture footage and transcribe conversations during our interviewing and visiting the tea farm. We relied on Chromebooks to manage emails, organize photos, articles, and data, and compile them into web pages. Finally, we utilized various computer software, including Google Classroom, Google Drive, Google Docs, Coggle, and others to enhance our research process.

2) In what ways did you act as "ambassadors" and spokespersons for your CyberFair project both on-line and in person.

1. To learn more about the Satoyama Initiative we interviewed Professor Chien-Chih Chen and tea grower, Wang You-Li. 2. To understand the process of organic farming, we visited Mr. Wang's organic team farm and were inspired to continue cherishing our environment, just like our school does, in order to maintain a balance between nature and humans. 3. Our team has gathered online resources and conducted interviews to create a comprehensive report. We genuinely aspire that our website will serve as a valuable source of information, attracting more individuals to engage in our cause of safeguarding wildlife by taking active measures.

3) What has been the impact of your project on your community?

1.Interview: We interviewed Prof. Chen and the tea grower, Mr. Wang, which allowed us to learn more about the Satoyama Initiative and eco-civilization. 2.Field Observation: We went to Pinling and observed the organic tea farm and understood how animals and plants coexist in this environment. We could also see Mr. Wang's effort in creating a friendly environment for wildlife. 3.Thinking creatively: Both Prof. Chen and Mr. Wang devote their lives to balancing human and natural life. From this project, we learned how Prof. Chen helped different communities and implemented the Satoyama Initiative into different areas, and how Mr. Wang promotes eco-farming on his land. It is only when we begin to think differently that we can think creatively. 4.Lifelong Learning: Organic farming benefits wildlife and humans, even though the profit might be lower. However, Mr. Wang continues to do so as he shared that these animals and plants are like his family. Members under the same roof always find a way to get along with each other and find balance. Prof. Chen and Mr. Wang’s selfless love and passion continue to inspire and influence people, as they have made personal sacrifices to promote the well-being of civilization.

4) How did your project involve other members of your community as helpers and volunteers?

1. Professor Chien-Chih Chen. Professor Chen accepted our request for an interview and shared with us his inspiring stories of commitment to environmental conservation. He hopes to give a voice to the mountains, oceans, and land. 2. Tea grower, Wang Youli. During our conversation, Mr. Wang shared his inspiring story of organic tea growing and his unwavering commitment to preserving the clean land of his ancestors for future generations in this community. He advocates for natural and eco-friendly farming methods to help protect the natural ecology from the effects of climate change. Mr. Wang expressed his joy at hosting elementary school students and spreading his philosophy to more people. 3. Mr. Ciou: Mr. Ciou explained to us what the Satoyama Initiative is and he shared his knowledge on the peaceful coexistence of all living things in nature and taught us about ecological and life education. His extensive knowledge made us feel like we were exploring an encyclopedia of plants and animals, and we gained a deep understanding of the pulse of nature's vitality. 4. Ms. Tsai: Ms. Tsai provided us with research guidance and assisted in arranging the school bus for our field observation site visit. 5. Ms. Wang: Ms. Wang assisted us in recording videos and taking pictures of the interview and field observation.

5) Discoveries, Lessons and Surprises (Optional)

In this project, we expanded our research skills to understand the current action plans of the Taiwanese government and related organizations for conservation, how farmers can apply for certification through organic cooperation, and how Taiwan's economy is closely related to the environment. Every farmer and conservationist is doing their best to protect the land for the next generation. We should cherish and share what we learned in this project with our peers. Although it may seem insignificant, it is a good thing to do.


View our CyberFair Project (Project ID: 8690)

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