CyberFair Project ID: 8574

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International Schools CyberFair Project Narrative
Title: Flower Window
Category: 8. Local Music and Art Forms

School: Changhua County Lu Ming Junior High School
    Changhua, (Choose One:), Taiwan

9 students, ages 12-13 worked together to complete this CyberFair project on March 3, 2021. They have participated in CyberFair in the following year(s): 2014,2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020

Classes and Teachers: Jie-ren Huang, Tian-yun Huang, Huangzi-Hui Huang, Li-Chuen Chang

E-Mail contact:

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Project Overview

1. Description of Our Community

Lukang Town is located in Changhua County, Taiwan. Due to the earliest development history, there are many historical sites in the urban area, forming a very important tourist resource. For example, Lukang Tianhou Temple is the center of faith in Lukang area. In terms of local specialties, shrimp and monkeys, local traditional snacks, such as: noodle paste, phoenix cake, meat buns, beef tongue cake, fried oysters, noodle tea, and other traditional snacks. Famous traditional crafts include woodware, bambooware, and carving. , Tinware, lighting, incense making. Lukang is a town full of historical sites. There are several famous historical buildings such as Jiuqu Alley, Banbianjing, and Quanjiao Guild Hall. The whole Lukang is like an 'open-air museum of historical monuments.' You are welcome to check it out and experience the Lukang cultural tour for yourself. It will give you an unexpectedly rich spiritual harvest.

2. Summary of Our Project

The flower window has a long history and is the characteristic of Lugang. The topic we discussed this time is Flower window. We discuss together, complete the task, and find a lot of information about LIH CHENGE WOOD on the Internet, and we also interviewed Chen,Huang-Huei, Chen,Jheng-Jhnog, and Chen,Jian-Li in the company, hoping to get a better understanding of the flower window. Through research, let us have a more comprehensive understanding and see the beauty of flower windows. We hope that the flower window with the title of Lugang Town will continue to be passed on, so that more people can see the uniqueness of the flower window and explore it in depth.

3. Our Computer and Internet Access

A. Percentage of students using the Internet at home:21-50%

B. Number of workstations with Internet access in the classroom:more than 6

C. Connection speed used in the classroom:dedicated connection

D. Number of years our classroom has been connected to the Internet:more than 6

E. Additional comments concerning your computer and/or Internet access (Optional):

It's a good experience for us to produce the Cyberfair project. We can know the traditional art of 'wooden flower window' well and learn more knowledge outside the textbooks. Our comments for the following study are below: 1.Read more books online or at library as you can. 2.Manage your time well. 3.Try your best to learn computer software. 4.Teamwork plays an important role in the project. 5.Last but not least, as the saying goes 'no pains,no gains.' , try to keep this in your mind. To sum up, thanks for all the people that helped or supported us. We hope that there are more and more people around the world can know more about 'flower window' by our website.

4. Problems We Had To Overcome

(1) Writing questions When we are in the process of discussion, we will inevitably encounter some problems, we encounter the difficulty of disagreement. The way we solve the problem is to listen to the ideas of others, first listen to the opinions of others, and then raise the problem. Think of a haircut that is most beneficial to the team. If the problem still cannot be resolved, we will use a show of hands to make a decision by a majority vote. The reason for the vote will also be stated when voting.

(2) Order issues In the process of discussion and production, there will be some order problems, some people will laugh at strange sounds, and some people will be chatting. These problems will cause distraction during the discussion. As long as we keep laughing or chatting, teacher It will remind us to shut our mouths tightly and not to disturb the order in the process.

(3) Organize data In the process of making the webpage, we will first search or read related books on the Internet if we don’t understand it. We will also use the recording files to find the verbatim manuscripts to find the answers. We also thank three teachers: Teacher Huanghui Chen, Zhengzhong Chen and Jianli Chen. Let us understand many things that are not on the Internet or in books, and thank the teachers and parents for their help and support, so that we have such a valuable experience.

5. Our Project Sound Bite

We developed our writing skills and other language skills through discussions,journals,interviews,progress reports,web browsing, relevant books, data collection, analysis, and summary. By interviewing with the masters in Lih Chenge Wood ,we learned the types, styles, procedures, and the exclusive techniques of “flower window”. How to use information technology, software and hardware, data collected online is a very significant breakthrough for us. Through teamwork, we know more about the strengths and weaknesses of ourselves and learn from others. We get more confident to ask questions and express our ideas through group discussion, visit, or record. 'Flower windows' is not easy to preserve, and it’s no longer comparable to those that are both solid and diverse. We hope to let the people in Lukang can have a deeper understanding of this long-standing handicraft, and even the world, could see the true beauty of the 'flower window'.

6. How did your activities and research for this CyberFair Project support standards, required coursework and curriculum standards?

The teamwork concepts and methods have we practiced or practiced: (1) Trust and respect: We trust each other to finish the assignments within our assigned tasks, and trust each other’s abilities to be promoted to that job. Affirm each other’s strengths and respect each other. When expressing opinions, students will listen patiently and provide their own thoughts rather than completely negate the ideas of others. (2) What we are doing now is: whether it is doing homework or discussing, everyone is focused on that matter.

(3) There are constructive conflicts: when discussing, everyone enthusiastically expresses their ideas, there will be conflicts of opinions, but we can find the best idea through the process of communication. (4) Contributions: Everyone in our online blog team has their own strengths and all contribute to the online blog.

Project Elements

1) What information tools & technologies did you used to complete your CyberFair project?

(1) For us, the most useful tools are: Google Cloud Drive-data storage, data sorting, designing questionnaires, and analyzing the results of questionnaires. (2) The technological equipment we use: 1. Desktop computers, laptops-making web pages, collecting data, organizing data, uploading photos 2. Cameras-taking photos needed for web pages 3. Photocopiers-printing Documents 4. Smart phone-take photos, collect information and contact between team members 5. Voice recorder-record during the interview, so as to facilitate the arrangement of key points 6. Indoors, mobile phones-contact with the interviewee Related matters 7. Flash drive-photos, data storage 8. Scanner-scan drawn pictures 9. Pingendo-web page layout 10. chrome book-make web pages, collect data, organize data, upload photos 11. Photopea- — Photo editing 12. Photocap — font design, photo editing

2) In what ways did you act as "ambassadors" and spokespersons for your CyberFair project both on-line and in person.

1.Through the study tour, we learned the skills of taking notes and interviews We should write down keywords in our notes to avoid memory blur or content missing. Recordings could make interview data more detailed. Before an interview, we must read information on flower window and work content and prepare questions. Two of us would simulate the interview. What's most important was that when you encountered a question worth further exploration, we should keep on asking to dig out deeper and more interesting replies.

2.We learned knowledge and skills related to computers required for website design First, we used cameras to take panoramic or close-up photos, and then learned compressive editing and graphic design to make the photos clear and not rigid. To make our study deeper, we made questionnaires with Google forms and made pie charts with Excel so as to know the viewpoints of the people in Lukang. Finally, we made the website together and finished the work. Our excitement was beyond words.

3. The research on flower windows has come to an end. In order to let more people understand the beauty of flower windows, we decided to introduce the history, types, styles, etc. of flower windows to classmates, and share our research results with everyone. , Although everyone was very nervous when we heard that we were going to share on stage, we should not only try to streamline what we wrote, but also report clearly to everyone, but this is also an opportunity to train us on stage and speaking ability, so everyone repeats Practice again and again, hoping to let everyone know the beauty of window art.

3) What has been the impact of your project on your community?

Participating in the production of online blogs made the 'Liu Yin Hua Ming You Yi Cun' team know more about flower windows. However, we don’t know how much Lukang residents know about flower windows, so we decided to design a questionnaire and use Google The form is sent to people living in Lukang to fill in, so as to know how much they know about the window art. In the process of conducting the questionnaire survey, we can also use this to promote the importance of art and cultural heritage with the residents of Lukang.

According to the results of the questionnaire survey, it can be found that about 40% of the people interviewed are male and 60% female. Most people have seen flower windows and know the unique craftsmanship of flower windows, but the number of people who usually pay attention to and buy flower windows is very small, and those who have bought flower windows related products mostly use it. They are mostly used for decoration or as daily necessities. In addition, half of the people do not understand the knowledge of flower windows, which highlights the significance of our web blog. We hope that through the production of web pages, people from localities and countries around the world can have the opportunity to know this uniqueness. Different crafts, as to which 'countries' have the craft of flower window, after sorting out, the answers are mainly China, Japan, France, South Korea, etc. We speculate that with the change of times and architectural styles, craftsmanship gradually disappeared. Some raw materials have also been discontinued, but we hope that with Taiwanese culture and local life aesthetics as the core, we will bring the beauty of the window shutters to the international stage and let the world see.

4) How did your project involve other members of your community as helpers and volunteers?

Dear Masters, Chen,Huang-Huei, Chen,Jheng-Jhnog, and Chen,Jian-Li: Through this interview, I have gained a lot of knowledge about the things to pay attention to when making flower windows, the choice of wood and how to deal with wood. At the same time, thank you for telling us a lot without reservation and the skills unknown to the outside world. By showing us the production process, we can realize it much clearer. By the way. We really love the flower window coasters which you gave us. We are really happy and grateful about everything!!!

Dear Teachers : Thanks for teaching us patiently . Let us know what website is . Although we always have perplexity . We overcome the problems together . Thank you for supporting us all the time.

5) Discoveries, Lessons and Surprises (Optional)

The process of interviewing was actually very fun. It was not as embarrassing as I thought. Before I stepped into the doorway of 'LIH CHENGE WOOD', I smelled a strong fragrance of wood. There are many works in the office. I sent us photos of the works. The one I’m most curious about is in the office. The name of the work is 'Luban Bridge.' It looks very sturdy. There is also the snowflake-like work that I took in my hand at the beginning. The teacher said that it is very difficult to do, and the success rate is not high, but I think he is very good. And we also got a knotted wooden strip with our own hands. It was really a bit fragile, and accidentally broke him, but this shows that the teachers are amazing! . During the interview, I think they are very good people. They not only explain carefully, but also introduce the works, so that we can learn more about these works. Finally, we visited the entire factory. The pile of wood smelled very comfortable. At the same time, I also learned about the five major steps of making windows. In short, I feel that during this visit I have learned many stories that are not covered in the film, and I am very grateful to them for spending so much time explaining to us.


View our CyberFair Project (Project ID: 8574)

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