CyberFair Project ID: 8020

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International Schools CyberFair Project Narrative
Title: The Little Red Dot
Category: 2. Community Groups and Special Populations

School: CHIJ St. Nicholas Girls' School
    Singapore, Singapore, Singapore

12 students, ages 16 worked together to complete this CyberFair project on March 15, 2015. They have participated in CyberFair in the following year(s): 2013, 2014

Classes and Teachers: Club: Infocomm

E-Mail contact:

Our School's Web Site:

Project Overview

1. Description of Our Community

Our community comprises of multi racial citizens and people from different religions. This means that Singaporeans will have to be extra careful about what they do, speak and upload on the Internet. However, racial and religious conflicts rarely occur. This is because of the strict punishment imposed on those who discriminate other races and provoke the sensitivity of fellow citizens.

Another distinct aspect of the Singapore community is the effort and resources that the government puts into ensuring opportunities for all the citizens, from the disadvantaged to the disabled. Restaurants like ‘18 Chefs’ offer job opportunities to ex-offenders while KFC offers jobs to the disabled.

Lastly, our community is safe and thus we can focus on our respective roles. Heavy penalties are imposed on offenders and therefore, crime rate is low. Additionally, economics and politics is stable and people’s happiness is maintained.

2. Summary of Our Project

Our project highlights the schemes the government have put in place in order to maintain peace and security.Our schemes ensures that no one is left behind in the society. It is to also show the world that peace can be maintained and hopefully set Singapore as a good role model.

This topic is important as many countries fail to maintain happiness among their people and thus cause many unnecessary disruptions of peace. We hope to show other countries how Singapore government can maintain peace.

3. Our Computer and Internet Access

A. Percentage of students using the Internet at home:more than 50%

B. Number of workstations with Internet access in the classroom:more than 6

C. Connection speed used in the classroom:not sure

D. Number of years our classroom has been connected to the Internet:4-6

4. Problems We Had To Overcome

One of the problems we had was time management. We had to ask for copyright on pictures and videos taken from different organisations. Although we tried to keep the number of pictures with copyright low but some are unavoidable. When asking for copyrighted pictures or videos, some of the organisations took a long time to reply or do not reply at all. Thus this is a long process and consumed a large part of our given time.

Another problem was that the website creation tool only allowed one opened modification account. If two of our students edit the website at the same time, one of the edits cannot be saved. This puts us behind time as it decreases the the progress made in a period of time.

5. Our Project Sound Bite

Our participation means that we will be able to bring glory to our school and recognition for Singapore.

6. How did your activities and research for this CyberFair Project support standards, required coursework and curriculum standards?

Our team members have benefitted and learnt many things from this project. We learnt new skills like using specific programs, how to function or use the program and flexibility from having to change the website maker halfway through the project. Other skills include effective communication between teammates and motivating each other. at the same time we sharpened our skills like photography.

Teamwork and responsibility played a big part in completing the project. Everyone played their part in making our project a success.

Our team members did intense research and learnt various facts of our community. We have learnt how peace have been broken by small inconsiderate actions by some of our community members and how it was criticised by the general community whom stood at the justified side.

Both traditional methods and using the Internet are beneficial to the students. However, using the Internet allows us to access more information and viewpoints of the locals without modification. Furthermore, Using the Internet to do research allows us to use visual and interactive imageries such as videos, tables etc. As every student learns in their own way, this allows those who are visual learners understand the content better.

Project Elements

1) What information tools & technologies did you used to complete your CyberFair project?

A modest but useful array of technological devices have helped us over the course of our project.

We mainly used Lenovo desktop computers installed with Microsoft, provided by our school’s computer lab to complete this project, with the help of email provider Gmail to communicate and seek permission for copyrighted material from respective owners.

Our materials were mainly obtained from two sources: photographs taken by us with DSLR cameras, and material graciously given to us by generous vendors online, after asking for permission to use them in our project.

Out of these, the computers housed by our school’s facilities were undoubtedly the most invaluable and useful resource. The school’s high-tech, sophisticated technology allowed us to access information online in the process of our research with ease.

The school’s computer lab also gave us a location to collate our work and discuss further strategies and research topics, all the while with many computers near at hand for ready use.

2) In what ways did you act as "ambassadors" and spokespersons for your CyberFair project both on-line and in person.

In the search for suitable material to adopt in our Cyberfair website, our team scoured the four corners of the Internet to find the needed resources, and in extent, their respective owners.

An “ambassador” is a person who represents their cause to spread information to the audience/ In this case, one member of our team was elected as the ambassador to take on the role of sending emails using Gmail to various owners of the copyrighted material that we needed for our Cyberfair webpage.

This was a long and not necessarily easy process requiring heavy administrative duties. As most respective owners were understandably cautious in agreeing to allow their materials to be publicized in our webpage, it usually took multiple emails containing further questions to seal the deal.

Emails contained detailed explanations of Cyberfair and why we needed their materials. Further requests for more information were graciously received and replied to with the relevant information.

Eventually, most of our requests went through and we were awarded with the fruits of our labour.

There were some incidents in which we were required to communicate with the owners of the materials via phone. Despite not having contacted potential vendors via mobile before, our team rose to the task and eventually successfully secured the material needed.

We obtained most of the requested materials after numerous patient correspondence with the owners, and with the gracious help of them.

3) What has been the impact of your project on your community?

Through the help of social media and our own contacts, our group managed to organize several interviews with members of different racial groups and workers from all walks of life.

Through these interviews, we gained further insight from a different and more personal perspective, allowing us to gather and provide more truthful and contextual knowledge in our Cyberfair webpage.

It also gave our interviewees an understanding of Cyberfair, and also an opportunity to understand more about our society’s racial diversity.

Our group has also taken the initiative to show our Cyberfair webpage to friends and relatives, to receive honest and constructive suggestions from them to improve our previous website. This was successful, as we managed to make some improvements to our Cyberfair website.

In conclusion, our Cyberfair has had its impact on our project and our community.

4) How did your project involve other members of your community as helpers and volunteers?

No Cyberfair webpage is complete without a variety of colourful and interesting images and videos to liven up and further illustrate our meanings.

In this case, we chose not to adopt games or puzzles in our webpage. However, we did have to ask for permission to present the photographs and videos we wanted in our webpage.

Thus, we had to contact people from all over Singapore to request for permission to publish the information we wanted on our website, for the copyrighted materials.

Most of these communications were done over the Internet, with the help of Gmail. We would hereby like to extend our genuine appreciation for our contact’s generosity for allowing us to utilize their material in our webpage.

We are genuinely thankful for all the valuable contacts who were kind enough to allow us to publish their precious material in our Cyberfair webpage. We will remember you.


View our CyberFair Project (Project ID: 8020)

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