CyberFair Project ID: 5667

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International Schools CyberFair Project Narrative
Title: Fong Tian Jade - A Bitterswee
Category: 5. Local Attractions (Natural and Man-Made)

School: Ming Lien Elmentary school
    Hualien City, Hualien County , Taiwan

8 students, ages 9-10 worked together to complete this CyberFair project on March 19, 2009. They have participated in CyberFair in the following year(s): 2009

Classes and Teachers: Chen Tsu fang,Chen Li Huei, Jhang Zum Cheng, Zheng Zhao Hui

E-Mail contact:

Our School's Web Site:

Project Overview

1. Description of Our Community

Taiwan Fong Tian is a historically, culturally and geologically rich area of Hua Lian County, midway down the east coast of Taiwan. The Fong Tian area is located in the northern East Rift Valley. Administratively it is in southwestern Sho Fong Village. In the Japanese era, it was one village, and today it covers 6 villages, in whole or part. These are the villages of Fong Shan, Fong Li, Fong Ping and parts of Xiu Fong, Shu Hu and Xi Ko. On the north border is Xiu Fong Village. On the south is Xi Ko Village. Across the Hua Lian River, it faces Mi Zhan Village and the foot of the Coast Mountain Range. Mountains are on both sides, but Fong Tian, itself is in a rich plain, the largest plain village area in Taiwan. Both the east line railway and eastern highway shuttle travelers to this area. It’s a convenient 25 km away from the main city of Hua Lian.

2. Summary of Our Project

This project is to dialing everyone to look get at glimpse at FT jade history up and down, what the reason it formed. And appreciate jade beauty. In Taiwan so many beautiful stones, we sincinerely TW’s treasuer introduce to you.

3. Our Computer and Internet Access

A. Percentage of students using the Internet at home:more than 50%

B. Number of workstations with Internet access in the classroom:1

C. Connection speed used in the classroom:dedicated connection

D. Number of years our classroom has been connected to the Internet:more than 6

4. Problems We Had To Overcome

(1) Our ability to conduct special research projects. (2) It was hard to get ahold of old photos. (3) It was hard to organize the material. (4) The exchange and sharing of information. (5) Using freeware. (6) Time crunch. (7) The problems of field trips. (8) Limits to our budget. (9) Lack of time.

5. Our Project Sound Bite

Through the process of preparing this web material we’ve been able to share Taiwan Hua Lian’s special products with everyone and we hope you find this useful.

6. How did your activities and research for this CyberFair Project support standards, required coursework and curriculum standards?

Through joining this special research project, we have the following key reflections. (1) We now have a deeper understanding of the cultural history and local products of the place we live – Hualian County, Taiwan. (2) Each person on our team really raised their IT abilities through this project. (3) We learned how to follow research steps and the ability to do independent study. (4) We learned how to find the support we needed as well as get along well with others. (5) Experience the power of working in a group and learn how to be good team members. (6) Our group really developed a revolutionary spirit of holding each other up, and our connections with each other became deeper and more solid. (7) We developed a kind of new ability and strength that can be passed on to the next groups who take on this kind of task. (8) We’ve experienced another way to learn. Learning activites don’t necessarily have to be in the classroom. They can be incredibly lively and fun. Regardless of the outcome of our work, we’ve now seen a happy and unique learning process. (9) Through the process of preparing this web material we’ve been able to share Hua Lian’s special products with everyone and we hope you find this useful.

Project Elements

1) What information tools & technologies did you used to complete your CyberFair project?

What IT technology was used to complete this project? - hardware - software - internet o school computer classroom o computers in the counselor’s room o 1 multimedia information cart o personal computers of the teachers and in students families o notebook computer o 5 digital cameras o digital recorder o scanner o printer o copy machine o fax machine o portable flash disk o web page editors - Namo Web Editor and NVU o GIMP image processing o Writer text editor o Calc spreadsheet software o FireFox o XnView image browser and editor o Picassa picture management software o FileZilla FTP transfer tool o Flash for creating web animation o Impress for oral presentations with images o 7-zip for file compression o FTP server o FTTB fiberoptic cable network o ADSL wide-channel network o Network hard disc o Email o Specific discussion boards o Web discussion platform

2) In what ways did you act as "ambassadors" and spokespersons for your CyberFair project both on-line and in person.

he Fong Tian area went through early development, then the Japanese colonial period, on to the post-Japanese, Chinese period and the rise of the jade industrial heyday. Where can we get the photos from all these different periods? This was a problem that constantly bothered the Yu Jiao Long group. Then, unexpectedly, while visiting the Shou Fong Region Cultural History Museum and chatting with the volunteers there, we learned for the first time about the Niu Li Community Association. We found one of the leaders, Mr. Yang Jun-Bi, and he generously gave us what we needed to solve these long-term problems!

3) What has been the impact of your project on your community?

(1) Through setting up the web site for this project, we created a bridge between the Fong Tian area of Hua Lian County and the rest of the world, letting more people know about Fong Tian jade. (2) Through the interviews and survey by ourselves, we found there are lots of people silently contributing to this land. No matter whether its about the overall community structure or local tourism industry promotion. All of them are paying lots of effort. Our website project is another way to have effort to contribute for the good of everyone. (3) The people of this area can use our web site and at the same time understand the cultural history of this region and knowledge of Fong Tian jade. It's a web site with cultural history and earth science knowledge.

4) How did your project involve other members of your community as helpers and volunteers?

In the process of the project, we had the good fortune to have many excellent advisors, and therefore we got the web site up smoothly. The whole teammemebers of Yu Jiao Long Group give their most cordial thanks to all these people. 1.Principal Mr. Zheng Zhao-Hui, Hua Lian County, Hua Lian City, Ming Lian Elementary School. 2.Professor Cai Jin-Ho, Institute of Earth Sciences, National Dong Hwa University. (Hua Lian City) 3.Mr. Jiang Jin-Yuan and his families. Ru Fong Jade Workshop. 4.Mr. Cao Wan-Yi. Dong Xing Jewelry Shop. Head, Preparatory Office, Fong Tian Jade Cultural Museum. 5.Mr. Su Ming-Liang. From the shop “Village Head’s Jade Workshop.” Hua Lian County, Shou Fong Area, Fong Shan Village, Village head. 6.Mr.Yang Jun-Bi. Hua Lian County. Administrative Head, Niu Li Community Association. 7.English translater : Jane E Lewis, PhD & Jack C.H. Hsu



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