CyberFair Project ID: 5195

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International Schools CyberFair Project Narrative
Title: Yujing Mango In Full Red Tint
Category: 4. Local Specialties

School: Yujing Junior High School
    Tainan County, Taiwan, R.O.C (Republic of China)

6 students, ages 14-15 worked together to complete this CyberFair project on March 20, 2008. They have participated in CyberFair in the following year(s): 2008

Classes and Teachers: Fei, Qi-Yu / Shi, Xiu-Jin / Chao, Ming-de

E-Mail contact:

Our School's Web Site:

Project Overview

1. Description of Our Community

Yu Jing, located in the outskirts of Tainan county, and the eastern bank of the Da Pu stream, the headstream of Zeng Wen stream, which is the eastern part of the convergence of the both streams, is surrounded by mountains to form a natural basin with beautiful views, plentiful harvests, and pure simple climate of people. With the construction of the Nan Heng Road, the build of the Zeng Wen Reservoir, and the opening of the Zou Ma Lai Farm, the mountain areas of Yujing are gradually developed and opened. Yujing has became an important center of the widening addition of the Tai 20 Line and the open of Tai 84 Western Express Road. Unimaginably, in Aug 1915, the anti-Japan volunteer group led by Yu, Qing-Fang, occupied the Hu Tou Mountain, bitterly attacking the Jiau Ba Nian Japanese police squad and the second defense squad. This is the Jiau Ba Nian Event, Shocking the whole island. People born at Yujing, can feel how their ancestry loved Taiwan when fighting against the Japanese, and should try all means to develop the local specialty industry well.

2. Summary of Our Project

The framework of our research is divided into several parts: A. The visit to the hometown of Aiwen mango: introducing the brief history of Yujing, Yujing scenery guided by A-Sheng, and landscape of the mango hometown. B. Stick to the original flavor- introducing the mango expert, Guo, Wen-Zhong, the mango sale expert Li and Yujing mango promoter, Guo, and mango management. C. Mango information center: introducing the center, the mango family, the mango comparison chart, the news report of Aiwen exported to Japan, the report of remaining insecticides on mango, and the ripe mango red and sweet. D. Mango Life- introducing the mango processing industry. E. The other Local beauty: such as fruit maket, YuShar farm, ShaTian water and soil classroom, Yami garden and some great temples in Yujing.

3. Our Computer and Internet Access

A. Percentage of students using the Internet at home:more than 50%

B. Number of workstations with Internet access in the classroom:none

C. Connection speed used in the classroom:dedicated connection

D. Number of years our classroom has been connected to the Internet:more than 6

E. Additional comments concerning your computer and/or Internet access (Optional):

Our school has one classroom called 'Information Classroom' (40 computers) with Internet connection dedicated for teaching software to students. Recently the whole school has adopted TANet to meet the demands for digitalizing teaching and administration.

4. Problems We Had To Overcome

The reason why junior high school students were hard to understand it when we introduced mango specialty is that they are unfamiliar about mango ecology and the procedure of the production even though these wonderful things can be seen everywhere throughout their hometown. Hence, the guide teacher took us to outside to make an interview and a report; the problem was there were no mangos for us to photograph and taste after harvested in July and August. What should we do now? Luckily, some data could be found in the mango information center, and the mango there were made like real ones. On top of it, because Mr. Guo offered some photos, the problems were solved.

5. Our Project Sound Bite

The mango brings the happy life for the hometown children, the GlobalSchoolNet builds a communication bridge to the world for our students.

6. How did your activities and research for this CyberFair Project support standards, required coursework and curriculum standards?

Our research tends to the natural ecology and agriculture, such as the views in Yujing, mango landscape, mango management, mango portfolio, mango introduction- ecology and evolution history, mango expert- Mr. Guo, Wen-Zhong, building for mango exhibition, mango family, mango refinement, method of making pickled mango, ShengFa processing factory, Yujing food market, Glacial Island restaurant, Hu-Tou Mountain Park, Yusha ecology park, Shartian water and soil classroom, YaMi garden restaurant, some temples in Yujing, etc. Each and every record can be the contents for the category of science branch, society branch, and synthesis branch. Teaching combined with information and knowing our hometown also benefit from it. School teaching and course demand get great help from the maintenance of regional cultures, inspiration of the noble love of our hometown, conservation of the ecological environment, all of which are accompanied by educational value, emotion education, learning activity after class, and the construction of regional teaching acknowledge. So does the deeper insight of the Tainan regional culture.

Project Elements

1) What information tools & technologies did you used to complete your CyberFair project?

1. interview, telephone: to visit experts in person, and ask advice by phone many times. 2. internet: Search data online and communicate with net pals. 3. books, reports: search for professional documents and notice related reports. 4. tape records, recorder pen: record the contents of the interview, and make them a record. 5. digital and film camera: make several picture data which help image edition. 6. scanner, printer: scan newspapers, photos and works of the reports of the students’ interview 7. laptop computer: in visiting and investigating outdoors, it can be done to edit pictures and data. 8. portable hard disk: save lots of data and picture files. 9. computer software: MS-Word, Frontpage, Adobe Dreamweaver, Flash.

2) In what ways did you act as "ambassadors" and spokespersons for your CyberFair project both on-line and in person.

After contact made with the people we wanted to invite and interview through our principal, our Director Fei, and phone reservation, and many other communicative methods. We told them what topic substances were, then the date and place were set to meet. Our school teacher Cai Eh, is a mango expert, who knows well about both mango ecology and how to make the mango products. Things were much more convenient when she made contacts with the local farmers and workers. She really helped a lot. Besides, our team member, Lin, Zong-chan, whose restaurent sold mango products exclusively, also offered many information and resources, enriching the contents of our webpage. The completion of the webpage, of course, was due to the help and assistance of the locals. Thank them for their kindness and guidance.

3) What has been the impact of your project on your community?

The United Newspaper reporter, Zheng, Guang-rong, knew we wanted to make the webpage about mango of Yujing district, and he reported it substantially with the illustrations. It has made us cherish local mango cultrue and other agriculture much more then before. We are writing the history of Yujing district, and lead you into the mango world and the special attraction of the website fair through the unprecedented form of interview. Inside are the results of everyone's hardworking efforts. Each file stands for each the essence of members’ intelligence, among which are the essential point arrangements including processed mango, local persons and cultures, mango information center and other jobs. We'd like to spread the information of Yujing Junior High School and the local culture all over the world.

4) How did your project involve other members of your community as helpers and volunteers?

We'd like to thank mango pertinent businessmen of various working levels of Yujing (Yujin Farmer Club, Mr. Guo, Wen-Shan, Miss Li, Mei-Ying, the hostess of Sheng Fa Processed factory. Miss Yang, Mei-Zhen of Sheng Fa Foods store, the owner of Ya Mi garden resaurent, Lin, Deng-Xian, the host of Sha Tian water and soil classroom, the couple of teacher Chen, the hostess of Yu Sha farm, Miss Jiang, Su-Zhen, the boss of vanilla flower kingdom), who gave warm reception and help. Though there are still some little faults in the articles and illustrations, we'll face it sincerely, hoping people of every walk of life will make efforts toward the report of the local cultures.

5) Discoveries, Lessons and Surprises (Optional)

1. During the research we learn that we can get more when we pay more attention to it and more effort on it. And more we learn, more we feel we don’t know! 2. We learn that every success need the help of others and participation of the whole member of team. Athough sometimes we have some disagreement or argument, we learn how to compromise to achieve our goal through discussion and cooperation. We gratually know the best way to achieve the goal is from all the effort of the teamwork , not only the individual.


View our CyberFair Project (Project ID: 5195)

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