CyberFair Project ID: 4118

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International Schools CyberFair Project Narrative
Title: Jian Golden Rice
Category: 4. Local Specialties

School: Dau-Shiang Primary School
    Hualien, Taiwan, TaiwanR.O.C

8 students, ages 11 worked together to complete this CyberFair project on March 21, 2005. They have participated in CyberFair in the following year(s): 2003,2005

Classes and Teachers: Ms Gui-rong Huang,Ms Lan-ying Wu,Mr. Lin-wei Zhang, Ms Yan-cen Lin

E-Mail contact:

Our School's Web Site:

Project Overview

1. Description of Our Community

Jian Township, which depends on farming products for its main income and profits, is famous for ‘YOSHINO No.1’ rice, whose beautiful fragrance and proper viscosity wins praise. Once upon a time it was even offered to Japan’s emperors and is thusled ‘emperor rice.’

2. Summary of Our Project

It is hoped that the research plan can help local children acquire a love for their hometown and culture. We plan to go beyond our reference books and classrooms, and observe our surroundings. We also understand ‘Jian’ agricultural development and characteristics, and express these for local farmers.

3. Our Computer and Internet Access

A. Percentage of students using the Internet at home:more than 50%

B. Number of workstations with Internet access in the classroom:1

C. Connection speed used in the classroom:dedicated connection

D. Number of years our classroom has been connected to the Internet:2-3

E. Additional comments concerning your computer and/or Internet access (Optional):

Our school has one computer room in which there are approximately 40 computers. Each classroom also has one computer provided for students. In school, we make good use of the lunch break to type reports of schedules or interviews in the computer room.

4. Problems We Had To Overcome

1. How to pace the use of time: We had to make good use of our time. But there was often conflict about times for gathering together. 2.How to deal with problems when making a survey: After collecting the completed questionnaires, we found that some of the people filling in these questionnaires had not completed them, and so blanks and ambiguities appeared in these questionnaires.

5. Our Project Sound Bite

In these activities, we were truly involved inputting learning into real-life practice.

6. How did your activities and research for this CyberFair Project support standards, required coursework and curriculum standards?

1. Tools of contact and communications: a.E-mail: We transferred information and files through e-mail. b.Mobile phone & telephone 2.Tools of interviewing and recording: a.Digital recording pen b.Digital camerac. c.DV d.WORD 3.Tools for organizing data: a.Portable hard drive b.Disk c.Scanner d.Graphic program and photographic programs e.Internet f.Books

Project Elements

1) What information tools & technologies did you used to complete your CyberFair project?

1.Tools of contact and communications: a.E-mail: We transferred information and files through e-mail. We also contacted departments and organizations several times to arrange interviews and meetings through e-mail. We also exchanged opinions and proceeded with mutual help through e-mail. When we had questions, we used e-mail to contact of the information desk Internet Online Exposition to make inquiries or offer suggestions. b. Mobile phone & telephone: By phone we contacted relevant departments and made appointments, confirmed of times and places for visiting and interviewing. We obtained helpful information from relevant departments by telephone. Our research team members exchanged opinions and reminded each other of procedure supervision– which depended on the telephone. 2. Tools of interviewing and recording: a. Digital recording pen: this kind of pen was used during interviews to record what interviewees said so that it would be convenient to arrange data and information in the future. b. Digital camera: Taking photographs of visits and interviews was made in order to display results. c. DV: Interviews were filmed in order that the content can become crucial to the examination and improvement of activities we discussed as well as the content of interviews being reviewed. d. WORD: using words to record the content of each interview and our own opinions. 3. Tools for organizing data: a. Portable hard drive: the hard drive has a large memory space and thus helps save more data and files. b. Disk: Students who do not have internet at home can choose to save their personal information on disk and then go take it to school. c. Scanner: A scanner is used to scan students’ works and pictures. d. Graphic program and photographic programs: Painter and PhotoImpact8 are used in the school’s computer room. They are needed while making ‘Thank You’ cards and electronic photo albums, and for correcting picture files. e. Internet: Some relevant agricultural news and reports of activities concerning rice were collected through the Internet. f. Books, newspapers, government publications. 4. Tools for making web pages: PhotoImpact8, Dreamweaver MX, FrontPage Express, ws-ftp, Painter. 5. Others: a. Oral interviewed and written notes: contents during discussion meetings and interviews were recorded. b. Laptop computer: the computer was used to record discussions during meetings and make presentations.

2) In what ways did you act as "ambassadors" and spokespersons for your CyberFair project both on-line and in person.

In the research process, through teachers, we found opportunities to contact farmers’sociations,township offices and government bureaus of riculture. The view method was used to obtain relevant information about the growth of the agricultural population and the transformation of agriculture. We also interviewed some farmers. Farmers were surveyed using a prepared questionnaire. Its contents show these farmers’titudes to agricultural development. We also found a great deal of data, information, and photographs, which were very helpful to the whole research. Many parents and interviewees also gave us much support and encouragement. These people had crucial roles during the whole research.

3) What has been the impact of your project on your community?

In order to be able to answer these questions, our research team used lots of visits, analyses and discussions. Our research report can also let people understand our hometown more and more, as well as realize the hardworking nature of Jian’s and Taiwan’s farmers.We also hope that local people can work together to care about the beautiful land – Jian.

4) How did your project involve other members of your community as helpers and volunteers?

Some teachers supply their professional experience, the parents help us drive & pick up students when we research or interview out of school. Also the community leader and the Hualien Government agriculture bureau Head Do accepted our interview and talked about the future agricultural policy of Jian county.

5) Discoveries, Lessons and Surprises (Optional)

1. Discovery: During the research, we interviewed many farmers and distributed many questionnaires. Through interviews and questionnaires, we found that many farmers had common problems. Aside from the WTO’s impact on farmers, natural accidents are also another harmful factor. The WTO’s impact has led to a crisis in agricultural production and operations. So farmers have developed their farms into leisure farms in order to increase their incomes. We found that different types of products taste different as well as different cooking styles and methods bring about different tastes. We also discovered rich varieties of agricultural products. When succulent dishes are served at a table, we should not forget the hard-working farmers behind the scenes. 2. Lesson: During the research we learned through interviews that the WTO caused the decreasing sales of agricultural products. This unbalanced situation of agricultural sales has caused serious damage to rice farmers. There was once some control of the total production of rice. Under this situation where farmers did not have information, they grew a lot. In the end, their efforts were totally in vain. During the research period, we visited many administrative departments related to agriculture. We all obtained a consistent answer, that is, agricultural population is decreasing year by year. Not only is this situation occurring in Hualien - the whole of Taiwan faces this crisis. 3. Surprises: Interviews are the greatest surprise to us. We went to places that we had never previously visited. Exploring new knowledge was great fun. Because of the project, we had an opportunity to absorb new knowledge beyond our reference books. For example, we learned how to evaluate agricultural products, how to identify poisonous worms damaging agricultural products, and knowledge about trademarks. – we have never thought about these things in the past. There were many other experiences and questions that we had never considered before. Because of joining the ‘Internet World Online Exposition,’ our minds have been greatly enriched . We have gained a lot. When visiting Grandpa Peng, took the time to show us the ‘YOSHINO No. 1 rice’ that he grew and to teach us how to identify genuine YOSHINO No. 1 rice. When we had a go at growing agricultural products on the farm, we realized that picking asparagus needed skills. It was not easy at all.


View our CyberFair Project (Project ID: 4118)

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