CyberFair Project ID: 3915

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International Schools CyberFair Project Narrative
Title: A Voyager of the Past -- Mr. Nan-Shan Chu
Category: 1. Local Leaders

School: Ming-Dao High School
    Taichung County, Taiwan, Taiwan

5 students, ages 15 - 16 worked together to complete this CyberFair project on March 15, 2005. They have participated in CyberFair in the following year(s): 2004

Classes and Teachers: Chu Ming Dai

E-Mail contact:

Our School's Web Site:

Project Overview

1. Description of Our Community

Because of Taiwan's geographic location in the southeast Asia, it is a major gateway to the rest of Asia from the Pacific Ocean. The exchange of cultures, the influx of tribal groups, and the subsequent invasion of foreign forces and the impact of civilizations, have all contributed to the twists and turns in Taiwan's storied history. The unique nature of Taiwan's history had led to the multi-faceted life of the earlier days, and consequently had made the antique items of those days so varied. Each antique item is like a footstep, which we follow intently in order to explore and pursue the trail left behind by the changing society. After half a century of rebuilding and development, Taiwan has rid itself of the postwar recession and poverty. Even so, the people who had lived through the Taiwan's early restoration period still have vivid memories of eating yam strands, wearing ragged clothes, and walking barefooted. Living on this land of ours, we need to use even more sentiment and concern about things that go on around us, and to look upon everything with a sense of gratitude.

2. Summary of Our Project

Mr. Nan-Shan Chu entered the real world when he was in his mid teens. He has traveled all over the province of Taiwan, from the north to the south. After seeing all the different aspects of life, and after having contact with all walks of life, he came to the heart-felt realization that the lifestyle of Taiwan citizens is gradually losing its traditional colors due to the impact of the changing society. The everyday items people used were getting retired and replaced. So based on his sense of mission to preserve the traditional culture, he started to actively purchase and store antique items, and he was continually heading toward the path of becoming a professional collector. He has thus become 'A Voyager of the Past'. Because of Mr. Chu's rich life experience, he has become adept at storytelling, impersonating, joke-making, and singing. His unique slang-style narration could explain the periodical background and history of any antique item to great details. He is able to make the ancestor's living wisdom come vividly to life. He often jokingly says he is 'Country Ph. D', while others are 'Ph. D'. It totally shows his confidence in his knowledge of grass-roots culture.

3. Our Computer and Internet Access

A. Percentage of students using the Internet at home:more than 50%

B. Number of workstations with Internet access in the classroom:4-6

C. Connection speed used in the classroom:dedicated connection

D. Number of years our classroom has been connected to the Internet:more than 6

E. Additional comments concerning your computer and/or Internet access (Optional):

The Internet access at our school is very convenient. There is a dedicated broadband T1 line that connects to National Chunghsing University, which is the hub for the Taichung area. The line is also connected to the Taiwan Academic Network (TANet). In addition, there are three two-way 512K ADSL lines connected to the Hinet, as well as a cable broadband line connected to KG Telecom. All the lines are connected to a single load balancer, which integrates all the Internet services. Most of the teachers and students use 512/64K ADSL service provided by Chunghwa Telecom to go online at their own homes.

4. Problems We Had To Overcome

(a) Taking Photos of Antique Items – There are more than thirty thousand items in Mr. Nan-Shan Chu's collection. Due to the large collection and a limited amount of space, all the items are stored in a way that made moving them in and out to be photographed quite difficult. We had to go to the Taipei Arts Festival at the Chongshan Hall during the Taiwan's Early Restoration Living Exhibit to take photographs. However, due to the crowded confines of the exhibition floor, the photos did not come out well. We finally had to ask for the help of the National Science and Techonology Museum. They supplied photos of antique items after receipt of an official note from our school and an approval form Mr. Nan-Shan Chu.

(b) Insufficient Technical Skills - Due to our lack of proficiency with using computer software, we often ran into the problem of having ideas but lacking the ability to carry them out. We became dejected about not being able to do everything we wanted to do. Fortunately, we had a teacher who was willing to give us a helping hand. We also realized that to become good at a task, we need to tirelessly practice the task until it becomes second nature to us. Nothing happens instantly. For us to become more comfortable at carrying out these tasks, we need to learn from the basics, one step at a time.

(c) Communicating Concepts - From the moment we selected our main subject, there had been many different ideas. Since everyone thought his or her idea was the most creative, there were times when we had come to an impasse. We had to rely on our teachers and team leader to help us communicate our ideas, so we could discuss all the pros and cons of our ideas, and later reached a conclusion. After all, this is a research project that requires teamwork and contribution from each team member.

(d) Time Limit - Due to our heavy course load, there were a lot of pressure on us to finish the project within a limited amount of time. We could only use the lunch break to put in extra work in the computer room. We thought this was a great opportunity for us to learn and grow. We can enjoy the sweet taste of the fruit only when we give 100 percent of our effort.

5. Our Project Sound Bite

The whole process of our encounter with Mr. Nan-Shan Chu is like a reminiscence of a series of cultural events. They bring the lost memories and everything real back to the present, enabling us to appreciate the reality of history, the innocence of mankind, and the beauty of life.

6. How did your activities and research for this CyberFair Project support standards, required coursework and curriculum standards?

(a) Grass-Roots Education – Grass-roots education could help each student to know his or her own homeland, to understand the culture of the homeland, and to gravitate the students toward the homeland that nurture their growth. This research project is coincident with the goal of the grass-roots culture. It allows us to look into the lives of our ancestors and to acquaint ourselves with their wisdom and culture.

(b) Environmental Protection Education - From the collection of Mr. Nan-Shan Chu, we could see our ancestors' wisdom of 'poverty leads to change, change leads to prosperity', as well as the gratitude for their blessings. This is the environmental protection education that our school has been stressing. Besides sorting trash and recycling resources, our school also place all the environmental protection areas, such as fertilizers made from kitchen waste, leaf compost heap, school desk recycling and repair area, teaching farm, seedling area, butterfly area, and recycling area into a belt-like teaching area. They name it the Walk of Environmental Protection. The hope is for the concept of environmental protection to become integrated into our education and to take root in our everyday lives.

(c) Humanity Education - Education is said to open the window to our souls. Showing concerns for humanity is a necessary common knowledge for all who live on this earth. The school has always promoted humanity education without reservations, in hopes of endowing every student at Ming Dao with a concern for humanity. Exploring the lives of our ancestors and researching the preservation of the traditional culture are the perfect opportunities for applying what the students have learned in school.

(d) Information Education - The popularization of information education will lead to the accelerated progress of other types of educations. The widespread use of Internet allows the students to be on the same page with the rest of the world and to keep up with the current trend. This is one of the highlights of school's teaching.

Project Elements

1) What information tools & technologies did you used to complete your CyberFair project?

(a) Telephone - It was used for getting in touch with teachers, team members, places to interview, people to interview, and customer service.

(b) Tape Recorder - It recorded and played back the interviewee's narratives and the advising teachers’ words. It was also used to keep the reminders.

(c) Conventional Camera, Digital Camera, Digital Camcorder - These were used to document the entire process, including all the people, events, and items.

(d) Television - It was used to collect the latest news.

(e) Monitor - It was used to view narratives, documentaries, and the video footages that we recorded.

(f) Scanner - It was used to scan pictures and photos.

(g) Computer Software - 1. WORD2000 - Word processing 2. Dreamweaver MX - Make webpages 3. Flash MX - Make animated pictures 4. SwiSHmax - Text special effects 5. PHOTOIMPACT 8.0 - Process drawings and pictures 6. Ulead GIF Animator 5 - Make animated pictures 7. WS-FTP95LE - Transfer data files 8. MS-IE6.0 - Searches Internet and browse results 9. ACDSee32 - View Pictures 10. MS-Outlook Express - Send and receive emails

(h) Library, Cultural Center - There were our information banks, in which we looked for needed information.

(i) Museum - It was used for information collecting and personal interviews.

(j) Books - These were used to look for and verify information.

(k) Newspapers, Media - These were used to collect any reports or articles relating to our topic.

(l) Verbal Interview - The most treasured information came from the oral narratives of related individuals

2) In what ways did you act as "ambassadors" and spokespersons for your CyberFair project both on-line and in person.

From our interview with Mr. Nan-Shan Chu, we could feel his lamentation over the belittlement of the Southern Fu-Jian culture. This is similar to a thoroughbred horse not being able to find a good horse jockey! We only wish we were able to absorb all the skills and knowledge that Mr. Chu had attained. The only thing we could do is to play the role of the torchbearer, since it would allow us to promote the culture of our homeland. We would like to use the exhibitions and websites that showcase Mr. Chu's oral narratives and antique items to reach the various schools and communities. Through communications and discussions, teachers and students at the schools and the community residents would gravitate and acknowledge the culture of our homeland, as well as discovering the beauty of Taiwan's language and cultural items.

3) What has been the impact of your project on your community?

This research project has given us the initial movement until today. We not only saw the faces of Taiwan's early life, we also became aware of how our ancestors led a laborious lifestyle. Mr. Chu's collection tells us the complete tale about the simplicity and prudence of our grandma's generation, which is a sharp contrast to today's extravagant and wasteful lifestyle. This discovery has changed our sense of value and it has given us new meaning to our lives. Only when you have a cheerful disposition and an open mind can you begin to fully comprehend the meaning of 'Beauty is the Nature.'

4) How did your project involve other members of your community as helpers and volunteers?

First of all, we want to thank the National Science and Technology Museum, because the Living Technologies in Taiwan's Early Restoration Exhibit that they sponsored in the early 2000's gave us the first chance to get to know the early culture of Taiwan. Thanks to the guidance of the publishing department, we were able to borrow the literature about this event from the Culture Center. The literature contains texts and photos that give a detailed account of the event. Secondly, we want to thank Ms. Mei-Chen Chen, who was responsible for organizing this exhibit. She not only introduced us to Mr. Chu, she also answered many questions for us, allowing us to finish this research project without a hitch.

5) Discoveries, Lessons and Surprises (Optional)

(a) Look Past Time and Space, Look At Life – People in the early days did not have a comfortable lifestyle that we have today. From their belief of 'poverty leads to change, change leads to prosperity,' we discovered that the lack of material substance does not diminish the amount of joy in their lives. Because of their creativeness and inventiveness, they had developed an even deeper expectancy and fancifulness for their lives.

(b) The Lesson of Going Back to Nature and Showing Life's Beauty – After a place became overwhelmed by civilization, there will be many signs of overdevelopment everywhere you look. We need to give this land of ours some breathing room, to give everything back to the nature, and to nurture the seeds of life. We also need to recover the lost past and to bring grace back to Formosa. This way beauty can be restored on our island and the islanders will rediscover their joy.

(c) The Surprise of Continuing Life's Legends – Our ancestors used their sweat and blood to build the foundation for the comfortable and convenient lifestyle we have today. Their legends are praiseworthy and should be passed on to the next generation. By combining the contemporary and the traditional, we'll be able to see the depth of life, and feel the surprise of life's vitality.


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