CyberFair Project ID: 3337

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International Schools CyberFair Project Narrative
Title: The Art of Stone
Category: 8. Local Music and Art Forms
Bibliography: No bibliography page cited

School: Elementary School
    Hualien, Taiwan, Taiwan

8 students, ages 12 worked together to complete this CyberFair project on March 20, 2004. They have participated in CyberFair in the following year(s): no

Classes and Teachers: Chang Shi-Suan, Yu Shi-Ming, Shyu Ching-Her

E-Mail contact:

Our School's Web Site:

Project Overview

1. Description of Our Community

Hualien is called “the Homeland of Stone”, partly because it is the major stone marketing city in Taiwan, controlling 90% of Taiwan’s stone materials, and partly because 80% of the stone collectors in Taiwan are people living in Hualien. The development and promotion of stone art industry has always been considered by government as the cultural industry most suitable for Hualien. In recent years, Hualien county government has focused on promoting its tourist activities, hoping this will bring an influx of people and commercial business. The promotion of stone art is helpful to the tourism, which should help employment, and is good for local economical growth. It also promotes Hulien’s international image as the “city of stone art”.

2. Summary of Our Project

When we first entered the Cyberfair contest, we got together to brainstorm our project topic. The first we thought of was Hualien’s stone carving and gem/rare stones, because they have long been our local specialties. We have abundant activities related to stone art year round, such as stone art displays, stone carving festival, stone art street…. They become important tourist attractions. In addition, Hualien Bureau of Art has established a stone-carving art museum, displaying select works from each year’s stone carving festival. All these activities and displays aim at letting people appreciate the beauty of stone art.

3. Our Computer and Internet Access

A. Percentage of students using the Internet at home:more than 50%

B. Number of workstations with Internet access in the classroom:1

C. Connection speed used in the classroom:dedicated connection

D. Number of years our classroom has been connected to the Internet:4-6

4. Problems We Had To Overcome

1) the problem of shyness and inadequate interviewing skills: During this research, we had to visit many stone art places and organizations. We also had to interview many people, including stone artists and collectors. Although our teachers asked us to prepare an outline of questions beforehand, when we were actually doing the interviews, we were so nervous that none of us could think of what to say. It was very embarrassing. To solve this problem, we decided to change our tactic. Each interview was assigned a lead interviewer. This person had to prepare and organize all the data and questions, and practice doing the interview at school. The rest of us only had to prepare a few questions to help fill in the blanks. This way there would not be too much awkward silence. Moreover, our teachers gathered us each time to review the interview and results. They also arranged one “interview workshop” to drill our skills. After many practices and actually doing the interviews several times, we all showed significant improvement. Before each interview, we divided the job, and prepare thank you notes and questions. We also learned the etiquettes for doing interview, such as first saying hello and introducing ourselves, and asking permission before recording. In the latter interviews, we no longer felt awkward, and could actually have good interaction with the people we interviewed.

2) the problem of insufficient background knowledge: During our research, we found that there was a lot of information that we were not able to understand even after studying. Consequently, when the people we interviewed talked about them, we were not able to comprehend fully. To overcome this difficulty, we asked two teachers at our school, Mr. Yang Ching-Chen who teaches natural science and Ms. Han Shu-Shen who teaches arts and human sciences to give us lessons on related knowledge. They arranged a two-week “Gem stones and minerals Art class”, giving us three lessons on earth science and three lessons on stone arts. From these, we learned about Hualien’s geography and geology, the geological structure that produces rare stones, and the principles for appreciating stone arts. We also purchased a video tape titled “Stone Arts and Living” from Public TV. From it we gained further related knowledge about stone arts.

5. Our Project Sound Bite

Action speaks louder than words!!

6. How did your activities and research for this CyberFair Project support standards, required coursework and curriculum standards?

(1)The classes on rare stones and stone carving:After our visit to the Stone Art Association, we were amazed at how colorful and magical the world of stones is. In order to learn more about it, we asked our teachers Mr. Yang and Ms. Han to give us lessons on related knowledge.

(2) Field trips:We went on many field trips for this research: the Stone Carving Festival, the Jiao-She Workshop, the Shiang-Yang Art House, the Rhodonite Display, The Committee for the Promotion of Stone Art Culture, Stone Art Street, and even the factory making rare stone display pedestals. During these field trips, we had to write notes and do sketches of the art works. We learned a lot from these field trips.

(3) Interviews:From these interviews, we learned that in many people’s eyes, ordinary looking stones were priceless arts. Becoming friends with stones not only is a good pastime, it also let you meet many kindred spirits. From these interviews, we learned how to ask questions and how to overcome our shyness. We also learned about the ups and downs of various kinds of professions.

Project Elements

1) What information tools & technologies did you used to complete your CyberFair project?

Telephone To contact between teachers, team members, interviewees, related organizations, etc. Digital recorder To record interviews, meetings and discussions Digital camcoder To film activities during interviews, visits, seminars, discussions Digital camera To take pictures of people, objects, sites, and activities Web hard disk To set up website and to transmit data, information, e-mails Printer To print out hardcopies of our data Scanner To scan pictures and photos Computer Software IE6.0 Word2000SVR-M92xPhotoImpact8School Web hard diskCuteFTP32Swish 1.5Ulead GIF Animator 5DreamweaverMXNamo5.0

2) In what ways did you act as "ambassadors" and spokespersons for your CyberFair project both on-line and in person.

1)Interviews: During this research, we interviewed many people. When we first met with them, we always introduced our team and the purpose of the interviews. Most of the people we interviewed did not know what Cyberfair was, so we would explain to let them understand the background of our team and our goals. 2)School activities Toward the end of our 5th grade year, our teachers already recruited the team members. During summer vacation, we got together to discuss our research structure, who to interview, how to proceed, and how to divide the jobs. During the process of our work, we made contact with many teachers and schoolmates and received a lot of feedback and help. Many teachers and schoolmates knew about our research, and responded positively to our mini showcase at school.

3) What has been the impact of your project on your community?

1)appreciate the precious resources of our hometown. Our contact with people in this trade and discussions with our teammates and teachers all made us determined to let more people learn more about our hometown Hualien. 2)Looking into the future Hualien has long been called the “Back Mountain” of Taiwan because it is slower in development and is lagging behind the cities in western Taiwan in the information arena. With our “The Art of Stone” web site, we think we have shortened the distance. We believe more people will learn about the homeland of stone – Hualien, and will fall in love with its beauty. And we believe more people will realize that this art of stone so special to Hualien will disappear if we do not manage it properly.

4) How did your project involve other members of your community as helpers and volunteers?

Our project advisors arranged a series of interviews for us, taught us how to collect and organize data, how to solve problems, and how to put everything into web pages. Other teachers at our school taught us about earth science and environmental science so we could understand about Hualien’s rock formation, and about stone carving and stone art. People we interviewed helped us gain a lot of knowledge about stone art. Our parents drove us to the interviews and field trips. Without these people, our work could not possibly be accomplished. Thank you all!

5) Discoveries, Lessons and Surprises (Optional)

1)the making of stone pedestals Without suitable pedestals, rare stones’ beauty can not be fully revealed. From our visit to Mr. Tsai, we learned about the making of pedestals, and how important it was to accumulate experiences through the years. 2)collecting stones, working on computers Going to the beach to collect stones, we found each one was unique. Working on computers, we tried to squeeze in some playtime.


View our CyberFair Project (Project ID: 3337)

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