CyberFair Project ID: 4724

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International Schools CyberFair Project Narrative
Title: Flower-bridge
Category: 6. Historical Landmarks

School: Colegiul National Eudoxiu Hurmuzachi
    Radauti, Suceava, Romania

4 students, ages 16 - 18 worked together to complete this CyberFair project on February 26, 2007. They have participated in CyberFair in the following year(s): 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005

Classes and Teachers: Gavriluta D.,Petruta, Ionut, Iulian, Ancuta

E-Mail contact:

Our School's Web Site:

Project Overview

1. Description of Our Team

The idea for this subject came to us because the fact that are many students from Moldavian Republic in our school which have fitting very well in their communities and which are obtaining very good results at studying. Our team is formed from two coordinating teachers and four students. Mrs Dorina Gavriluta is our language teacher, also interested in the friendship between Moldavians and Romanians because we have a common history and we share the same present through our students from Moldavia. Mr Filip Vasile is our computer science teacher. Petruta and Ancuta are ours translators; they likes foreign languages. Ionut is our 'history-man'; he likes to study our historic past and intercommunication. Iulian is our “computer-man”, he likes very much computer’s technology, he worked a lot before on various projects for our school.The whole team is elated concerning this 'reality subject' because we live and study together, the Moldavian students are our school fellows. We are trying to know each other better, to understand their problems and difficulties. The students from Moldavian Republic are keen in equal measure on Romanian language and literature, on History, foreign languages and computer’s technologies; they joined their colleagues on miscellaneous competitions and to scholar Olympiads getting very good results. We are determined to spend the future together.

2. Summary of Our Project

The blood`s voice is speaking He speaks about a common, glorious past. Our ancestors fought to protect the same land, we spoke and we are still speaking Eminescu`s sweet language. At Putna you can still hear Stefan`s footsteps, their echo makes it`s way to Chisinau and the fortress, the monasteries talk to each other over the Prut in a language known only by them. Sister countries can`t be so easily separated, not even by the water`s torrent,not even by the repeated attempts to loggerhead them. Over restless water bridges of flowers are growing. These are the hopes and the dreams of all young people from both strands, to unify their destinies in trying to repair the history`s injustices and change the people`s mentality wich are persisting to subjugate some laws unwritten of our ancestors. Could have locked the communism minds and hearts with such padlocks so hard to unlock? Could the key be lost…? And if the key is lost we must find it. Let`s unite our efforts and not forget for a moment that manier the marryer.

3. Our Computer and Internet Access

A. Percentage of students using the Internet at home:more than 50%

B. Number of workstations with Internet access in the classroom:more than 6

C. Connection speed used in the classroom:dedicated connection

D. Number of years our classroom has been connected to the Internet:4-6

4. Problems We Had To Overcome

We can not really say that we had big problems during making this project. Although there were same disorders about computer science classroom which were not always available.Because we have worked so hard, we succesed to surround in due time given by Global School House to finish the project narrative.We have tried two times before to complete the narrative project,but we had problems with the local connection. Some of us were hard to find during the holidays. Finally it’s not so easy to put together all the gather informations, but we are not complaining; we want to believe that our efforts will bring us success.

5. Our Project Sound Bite

This project is adressed to all the peple from Moldavia and especially to our moldavian colleagues.They have to know that despite our countryes have been separated we will always be with our heart and our thoughts over the Prut. When our colleagues found out about this web site were very happy to know that we haven`t forgot them, that we are still thinking of them and we are supporting them. With this project we haven`t help only them, but we also helped our comunity to look different at them and understand that they are part from our country. Probably our moldavian colleagues will change the opinion about us,the romanians, and finally will know they are importants to us. We also,have learned to work in a team,to work better with computers.The Internet helped us much in doing this project.We also used informations from books like:'The History of Moldavia','Romanian Moldavia', 'Tide'.

6. How did your activities and research for this CyberFair Project support standards, required coursework and curriculum standards?

Our history rewrites and is implicate a part from rewriting the history from Moldavia too. This aspects we are learning at school in the History classes and distinct optional, which were chosen by the pupils on this theme (“Aspects from the common history of Romanians and Moldavians”) so we accumulated new information, which we used on this project.. We also had meetings with our brothers “over the Prut” with the occasion of the “bridge-flowers” starting from 1990. To the first integral class of Moldavian students, form master was Mrs Andronachi Carmen, who actually is the director of our school. She presented us a diary, where the pupils wrote their impressions and their thoughts about the school and our community. In school, the students understood that we really are our friends and we carry about them, not only in formal ways. In the news-paper, like “New king”, “Romanian Moldavia” “Tide” the echo of this “bridge of flowers” was presented, but unfortunately we couldn’t really know if that articles were total true. Of course we are satisfied because we had on our disposal the Internet anytime we need it and so we could action more quickly than looking for the information from the books and papers.

Project Elements

1) What information tools & technologies did you used to complete your CyberFair project?

Our school is equipped to meet the standards for this project. Although the internet was our main source we used a variety of resources to gather information: books, oral and written interviews, and newspapers: 'Romanian Moldavia', 'Tide', 'The History of Moldavia', 'The Anals of Romanian Academy'(colection of magazines and new-papers beginning from 1990).On this project we had access on six computers :IntelPent4CPU/2,66GHz, 256 Mb of RAM, two telephones.We also used: digital cameras, Sony, to relate our experiences visually, and programs like:PowerPoint presentations to effective communicate the goals and achievements of our website, Microsoft Office XP, Webblender(for Web Design). These tools enhanced our mobile abilities and made for easier more effective presentations

2) In what ways did you act as "ambassadors" and spokespersons for your CyberFair project both on-line and in person.

We had very good relations with the Moldavian students, they wanted to cooperate with us and they were very happy to know that we haven’t forgot them. We, all had to learn something from this collaboration, especially about the common past we have had together. They were very surprised when they found new things from us and also we were surprised when we found the information about our past from the news-paper and from books. Having them like colleagues so close, we could find out how the young people think about the relations from the past. They haven’t know very well the history, they had difficulties in the pronunciation of Romanian language, sometimes they preferred Russian language (the language of the ex-members of Russian community). Step by step we approached and now we are friends, not only colleagues, this colleagues fitting very well in their classes. We can say that is already a tradition the fact that the students from Moldavia choose to follow here the high school and even the university. They have chosen this options because Romania has many chances to be fit in European Union very soon and they want to share this events near their brothers “over the Prut”.

3) What has been the impact of your project on your community?

We worked a lot at this project and at least, on the plan of school was appreciated, mostly by the Moldavian students, in the eyes of whom we grown up a lot with project. In what concerns the local community, the citiziens were surprised in a nice way because this moment was enough favorable for grow clear the citiziens concerning the conflicts which were existing in the last time between the two countries at political, social and etnical level and which wouldn’t have to appear. At this project which we have realized, have access all the people which can navigate on the Internet. First of all we have involved the Moldavian students, our colleagues which are benefiting of the facilities offered by us, the Romanians in the studying process. In the moment of the official opening of the site, those which will access it will understand that “over the Prut” are our brothers and not only the past is uniting, but even the present and of course the future because finally we have the same-target-Europe. With this occasion, we are thanking to Global School House for the possibility of realizing a subject with this theme, in this way making good relations between the communities and tightly relationships between the students.

4) How did your project involve other members of your community as helpers and volunteers?

Our community may be very small and isolated from diplomatic activity, but we found many community people to be extremely helpful. We deeply appreciate them for their time and effort. We have been helped by many persons from our school and our local community.We had luck because the teacher Cepuc, who is very passioned of History,and who has an impressionant documentary about the past, through, about the history of Moldavia. She lend us many books, new-papers and different magazines, which were very helpfully for us. Another important help we received it from Mrs Andronachi,who was the form master of the first integral class of Moldavian students. We found out a lot of things about their nature, their habits, their traditions and many other useful things about them. We hope that the relations wich already have formed to continue in the same way.

5) Discoveries, Lessons and Surprises (Optional)

We have discovered that we don’t know better the past, referring of the problems of Moldavia. We don’t know each other very well; some of them even “are not interested” with this knowledge, but we are young people confidents and we have a big wish to do “bridges of flowers over the Prut”. In the phase of documentation we also found out what was the meaning the Russian occupation and his effects, not only about them, but about ours. After fifty years of isolation commanded by the “mother country” some of them don’t want to recognize us like brothers; this being an unlikely surprise. The documentary about the past is very controversed and hard to find. We used information from:new-papers: “Literature and Art”, “Romanian Word”, “The Week”, “The Time” ”Romanian Moldavia” Authors of books and promoters of Romanism Mircea Dima,The Academy Cimpoi D. Ilie Lascu-P.P.C.D,Leonida Lori-poems, Nicolae Dabija-poems, Iurie Calesnic-was an historic, Arcadie Suceveaanu-writer, Serafim Urecheanu-the mayor of Chisinau, D.Motocovschi-writer. Articles for Romanian language and Romanian history against of History of Moldavia(separated) of Vasile Stati and of Moldoveanu(with moldavienism);against the attempts of reintroduction of the graphics Chiriliuc instead the latin, against the separatists from Tranzistria(1992). After president Mircea Snegur was trying the estranging from Romania, through the press and books in Russian language(even more and more)the theory of modernism, studying of Russianlanguage in the damage of other moderns languages ; anti-romanian articles, the dangerous theory of “Moldova Mare”(our Moldavia joined to Moldavian Republic)the arrest of Ilascu(1992) the proclamation of same Russian(Lucinski, Voronin, Snegur), the separatist action of Transnistria, the decrease of living level, the crush of PPCD .


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