Articles on Professional Development

Comparison of Internet Connectivity Options

Hello Internet - Tools for the Classroom -1996
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You have several choices for Internet connections.
On the low end there is  text-based email and on the high end there is real-time video.
                LEVEL 1          LEVEL 2          LEVEL 3           LEVEL 4         LEVEL 5
                Dial-up          Dial-up          Dial-up           Dedicated 56K   Dedicated T-1
Description     standard phone   standard phone   SLIP or PPP       or 128K ISDN    connection
                service          service          2400 bps -28.8    connection      or better
                300 - 9600 bps   1200 bps -9600   bps
Applications    email (store     All of Level  1, All of Level 1 &  All of Level    1,2,3 & 4
Best Used For   and              plus             2, plus           1,2, & 3 plus   plus
                                 telnet (limited) GINA              point-to-       multi-point
                forward)         gopher (limited) Web Browsing      point           CU-SeeMe
                listservs        IRC (limited)    Blue-Skies        CU-SeeMe          video
                newsgroups       Muds (limited)                     Real-Audio      Maven/audio
Applications    telnet           GINA             CU-SeeMe/video    Maven/audio
With Limited    gopher           Mosaic/Netscape  Maven/audio
Performance     IRC              Blue-Skies
                Mosaic/Netscape  CU-SeeMe/video
or              Blue-Skies       Maven/audio
Not Possible    CU-SeeMe/video
Approx.price    cost of phone    $10.00+ per      $50-250.00 per    $500-1,500      $17,000 to
range           call to nearest  month            month             per month       $50,000
                site                             (depends on usage)                 per year
                For a complete listing of Internet providers and phone numbers, we recommend
                Connecting to the Internet, by Susan Estrada (O'Reilly & Associates)
Sample          Connectivity     Contact Info     Cost/Pricing Options
Access          Level
Providers                                        *These are sample prices and change frequently.
                                                  Call for current prices and complete options.
FrEdMail,       Level 1                           usually free - price of call to nearest node
some community nets
America On-line Level 2          1-800-827-6364   $9.95 for first 10 hours, $3.50 each extra hour
Delphi Internet limited Level 3  1-800-695-4005   $10.00 for first 4 hours, $4.00 each extra hour
Compuserve.                      1-800-848-8199   $8.95 unlimited basic service +60 email messages
CORE+           Level 3          1-800-272-8743   - $49.00 a year for SLIP account
                                                  - cost to nearest site
CERFnet         All Levels       1-800-876-CERF   - call for specific prices & options
prepared by Yvonne Marie Andres ( - Global SchoolNet Foundation  (1/96)


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